General Discussion

General DiscussionUnder 1000 MMR?!

Under 1000 MMR?! in General Discussion

    Hi Dotabuff,

    Very new Dota 2 player here. Only started back in late October / early November of 2014 and have just over 200 games under my belt.

    I recently was calibrated for Ranked MMR (just hit 13) and I was below 1000 MMR! Around 668 I believe. I didn't even know this was possible and was completely floored. I know I suck, but I didn't think it was that bad.

    Anyway, gonna start the climb from here I guess. Feel free to check out my profile and tell me how bad I suck and that I will never make it, or completely rip me to shreds. It seems to be a common theme on these forums that no matter where you are at you are constantly trash and are trashed by everyone else. Just looking to be part of the conversation instead of an observer.

    Any tips are appreciated! I have read a lot about how to play Dota, so hopefully I can start incorporating these things into my actual play.

    Giff me Wingman

      it's only natural.

      The reason you feel like it's so low is because you are looking around in a forum where most users who post stuff are elitiests. Just enjoy the game and don't worry 2 much about your mmr, it will raise. As long you don't blame your mates for sucking noone will flame you.


        Keep Playing/Improving , ask ur friend for help. Is gonna take you a time to get at least 2K , feel free to add me for some tips


          I am slowly getting over that. If I have learned two early things its at least this:

          1. Don't flame. I was really bad for that at the start and came to the realization after reading a lot that you are always as much if not more of the problem as your team mates.

          2. Even if the game is at a complete loss you can ALWAYS practice things like last hitting creeps/stacking/positioning. Played 2 low priority games last night and one was an instant write off, but I tried my best to continue to last hit just because.

          კომენტარი შეიცვალა

            play heroes like sniper and ursa


              u da real mvp of this forum
              the less your mmr is, the more people gonna tell you you are Xk trash, and ur rating is below ground level xD

              srsly, the fact that u play good or bad doesnt make u worse/better person in any way, and game can be fun at any level.
              the only tip to improve at your bracket is just practice, u gonna need something more specific later.


                I hear playing a carry on an all carry team at this level is a good way to raise at the start. Thoughts? The reasoning is that yes you may be on a team with other carries, but they don't last hit, jungle, die too much ect. so you can get a lot more farm if you do these things.

                I feel like support is kind of wasted when people don't care to play together. I can still ward as a carry if I need to.


                  have fun playing all sorts of heroes and styles. You got raped by ursa? try playing ursa that way or some improved way you noticed, etc


                    Always get raped by Ursa. And Huskar. And Bloodseeker. And Riki.

                    I dunno if anyone else has ever been at this MMR but a lot of the time these guys down here NEVER do anything to counter these heroes. I try my best to buy a blink if I need it to close gaps, dust against shadow blades or Riki. Sometimes its not enough.

                    I played a game last night with a Morphling that bought a Linkens from start to finish for the first 20 or so minutes. Like, had only a perseverance in his inventory at one point. THEN bought boots after that. Its painful.

                    I guess this comes back to blaming team mates though, which what I am trying to stay away from.

                    კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                      @lemonloaf Sorry can't hear you over the sound of all the juggernaut pickers in the world coming for a free win still.

                      Srsly though, dont' blame teammates. Easy way to get a 700 hour mute ban


                        I try soooo hard not to. Sometimes I crack, but I am getting pretty good at just shrugging off an intentional feeder, or someone who mouths off the entire match. If I lose because of some legit bad team mates its still a loss regardless of if I flame them or not, so what's the point?


                          how old are you man? because at this mmr its mostly kids under 10 years or even under 7-8 years.
                          i dont mean to be harsh, but if you will just watch a stream or 2 and try to understand basic mechanics, you will skyrocket to 2k mmr at the very least.

                          კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                            I don't really see what age has to do with it at all. In fact, kids under 10 probably have more time to play Dota than me anyway.

                            To answer your question I'm 27. My only RTS experience comes from StarCraft from years ago and Dota is the only MOBA I have ever touched (again only 4 months ago casually).

                            I have watched streams and read up on the game. When I started I played lots of support hero's because everything you read pounds into your head that pubs ALWAYS need a good support, which usually ends up with me losing, so I stopped doing that.

                            I have also spent probably too much time in low priority for abandoning which also doesn't help anybody with anything. Its a nightmare down there.


                              well age matters
                              id say the older you are, the harder it is for you to learn new stuff that is not similar to your the knowledge you already have.


                                I have played first person shooters pretty well exclusively for the past 6 or so years and a lot more before that. Did have a short stint of WoW and like I said StarCraft BW.

                                Really nothing compares to the shit you go through in Dota. Its no joke when people talk about the learning curve.


                                  no need to worry :P im 27 and calibrated at 1650 and am on 3k solo (havent played solo for a few months tho) Dota 2 was my first moba and i hadnt played an rts for 6 + years (warcraft 2):P The knowledge stuff isn't hard to learn its not like your 60, watch some streams or youtube vids like purge to watch.

                                  At 1650 you usually get dual lanes with people fighting for farm and last hits so a support with a large team fight impact worked well for me i assume it would be the same lower.

                                  Try Lich, Witch doctor as everyone just goes 5 man down a lane at some point, you dont need too much farm to wreck people who just stand in a close group as those heroes and as your carry will be getting some more farm than theirs you should have an advantage. Sand King is also pretty good but you do need to farm your blink. If you go carry i suggest Wraith King as his second life wrecks pretty hard at that level

                                  კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                    I imagine at 1650 you have lots of opportunity to hop in the jungle or do ancients to catch up in farm too. When I play carry, I find that barely anyone touches the neutral camps which makes it easy for me to catch up on a bit of farm if I need it.


                                      until maybe 3k mmr, you can just afk farm and dont worry about nothing, and after 20 minutes go kill 5 heroes.


                                        Why do you claim you're a support player when you don't even know what it means?
                                        I only see you complain about teammates here when you could afk farm, push one lane until you die and still win these 1k mmr games.

                                        Learn to play the game and understand how it works before you start doing things like in streams. Its like math and formulas, if you don't get the origin of it you don't know shit and you're only a monkey trying to use formula 1 of lets say trigonometri for partial derivations because you saw there's a Sin(x) somewhere in the definition of the problem.

                                        კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                          I don't know i think watching stuff like purges newbie guides are pretty good


                                            Your last hitting skills are atrocious. Last hitting is like one of the most fundamental mechanical skills for a carry. You need to practice it.


                                              I am trying to improve my last hitting. Right now its one of my top priorities as naturally more farm translates into faster items and more wins.



                                                The point of this thread wasn't to come and talk about how much better I think I am then my team mates and talk about all my previous games where they sucked and I didn't. I realize that is a problem with the way that I play and handle the game. While I can't take back my previous comments, this is an area that I am also trying to work on, concentrating on getting better myself and worrying less about what my team mates do.

                                                I may have gone a bit off what my original intent was, which was to get some advice, which so far there has been some. I appreciate it and am looking forward to improving and climbing as I do.

                                                კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                                  I think mmr isn't really important as long as you enjoy playing the game.

                                                  Besides, I think mmr is fairly inaccurate to some degree due to things such as the role you play. Eg, usually mid players tend to have higher mmr than support players. If you did well at mid you could carry the game, but if you supported your carry player well then you have to pray he would carry you properly instead of doing random throws/feeds (which is why people suggest it's better to play cores at lower mmr games, since you can't really trust people to carry you. take matters into your own hands instead).

                                                  At my 4k mmr range I find that the upper limits of the 4k players usually hold true (these ppl including myself are only 4k at best, they don't do 5k or 6k players' "whataplaya" moves).
                                                  The lower limits though seems to be breached quite often. People can actually play like idiots, eg. supports not playing properly --- doesn't zone out enemies for carry to farm, staying in lane to leech exp instead of double pulling when it is an easy lane the carry can farm well by himself, stealing farm from carry for absolutely no reason at all just because they feel like it. It's not about the skill level of handling a hero (eg. playing storm like EG.SumaiL), but just understanding the game and executing your role (even if your execution isn't exactly the best). Like I would rather have a tidehunter who blinks and misses every single ravage than a joker tidehunter that goes to farm nc everytime our towers are getting 5 man pushed.

                                                  Anyway looking at how you have a decent basic understanding of the games (eg. dust against invis heroes), it's probably only a matter of time before your mmr raises as you figure out which core hero works better for you and you improve on that hero.
                                                  I suggest picking mid heroes / jungle heroes / heroes who can hold the lane well by themselves to farm. Try avoiding heroes that need to be babysit if possible (reduce your dependency on your teammates). You can play support if you want, but the way I see it is that even if you won them the lane hands down with your supporting, who's to say they're not going to throw away your team's gold/exp advantage by going yolo diving etc.

                                                  It's likely that invis heroes like bone and riki will work very well in your current mmr range too, since people supposedly rarely buy detection there.

                                                  Giff me Wingman

                                                    if you feel like you need a person to talk to, then you're welcome to add me btw.


                                                      I appreciate that, thanks. You too @efextoide

                                                      THICC BABY SHUM

                                                        @Defense Of The Autism
                                                        ur afk 99% of time


                                                          play troll; ez 4k mmr. 5k-6k if you got the desicionmaking and lots of time (slowly getting back there).

                                                          saving private RTZ

                                                            A good pubstomper until 4k maybe higher is meepo. You can just spam it until 2k and then pick it last so the enemy will not counter pick you. Its really hard to learn though, especially of you do nut understand yet the very basis and mechanics of the game


                                                              Ive been at this mmr, calibrated at 800 so many months ago, but dont worry, game is for fun xaxaxaxa.

                                                              #We are on the same boat, nice to meat u.


                                                                theres no better way to improve then watch Pro play a hero that you want to get good at ( on youtube) and try to copy hes actions in game.

                                                                Greygrey the Sailor

                                                                  How to get out of the mmr boat, play one hero and play it well. Learn a hero, learn how to play that hero, learn who that hero beats, learn who that hero doesn't beat. Then pick up another, do the same, learn that hero, learn who that hero beats, learn who that hero doesn't beat.

                                                                  Start out with an easy hero, like sniper or ursa or lich. Then gradually upgrade, every time take on a hero that has one thing in common but a new skill is required to master them, say if you start on sniper your journey could go like this.

                                                                  Sniper>Drow>Silencer>Bloodseeker>Spirit breaker>Clockwerk>Legion>Timbersaw>deathprophet>naturesprophet.

                                                                  Drow:Positioning and teamfight disable
                                                                  Silencer:teamfight disabler
                                                                  Bloodseeker: teamfight disabler chaser
                                                                  Spirit breaker:Chaser
                                                                  Clockwerk:Chaser with a skillshot entraps opponents preventing fleeing
                                                                  Legion:Entraps opponents preventing fleeing, learning when you will come online and snowball
                                                                  Timbersaw:Snowballer, bloodstone carrying hero
                                                                  Deathprophet:Snowballing, bloodstone carrying hero.

                                                                  All of these guys are good in solo ranked, try any line of heroes and get good with a few of them, gradually you will learn a whole bunch you can maneuver a game with. :P

                                                                  Just learn heroes one at a time and find a hero that basically does the same thing with some differences

                                                                  კომენტარი შეიცვალა