True. But it can still be pretty descent tank if you buy corrent items like Vlads, AC, Shiva, Halberd, etc. And it causes a lot of distraction, if oposite team isnt well organized.
He should've been picked more in the Year Beast.
A never-ending 75% miss chance and 26% slow...and a 20sec cyclone with each ulti...
Wrecks havoc in pubs where teams are disorganized and unlikely to tp in for ganks. He's been balanced now though, his mana issues early puts a damper on his snowballing potential. While he still has an almost guaranteed kill with every ulti in the first 15-20 min he falls off hard when the mkbs and bkbs come out.
What do you guys think about offlane brew? never really used the hero but looks pretty fun, i like offlaning more than mid though
I offlaned brew almost only before the armor nerf and had a winrate of around 70%
I disagree him falling off lategame as he still creates a lot of issues and forces bkb and mkb purchases.
He's so tanky and huge in early fights that its easy to accrue an advantage and push down towers with your team. It's kinda sad to play him now though because he was so much better in terms of ultra early aggression and trading hits before
Blink clap, the sound of my heart
The beat goes on and on and on and on and
Blink clap, you make me feel good
Come on to me, come on to me now
Blink clap, the sound of my heart
The beat goes on and on and on and on and
Blink clap, you make me feel good
Come on to me, come on to me now
Any tips for offlane brew then? Just go arcane blink, hold a TP, and cause mischief map-wide?
კომენტარის დასაწერად გაიარეთ ავტორიზაცია.
Played a handful of games with him now and I'm amazed at the chaos he causes.
Down in the gutter all you seem to need is a blink and level 6 and you win every teamfight.
Blink,clap,ult,stun, tornado, burn and the 5v5 is suddenly 5v2.
Anyway, not really any point to this thread except it amazes me how good some of the less-picked heroes like Brew, Visage, Chen etc. actually are.
Expand your hero pool - you might surprise yourself how much more fun the game can be!