General Discussion

General Discussion[Need Advice]Losing MMR due to studies

[Need Advice]Losing MMR due to studies in General Discussion
Forgos ☭

    I have stopped playing dota for a month or two (and before that I was playing it from time to time.more like twice in a month) and I didn't have time to watch streams.2 weeks ago I started playing Doto again and I realized that I lost all my game knowledge positioning ,micro skills even last hitting.I missed two big patches and I won't be able to play dota for around 3 months.Do you have any advice on how to stay in shape as I am losing over and over again.It is not fault of my teammates.They are not playing perfectly but I do see my mistakes.what do you do to stay in shape?I haven't been a good dota player (max3.975 mmr) but I am at my min (3.275 MMR).

    the realm's delight

      uhm pretty sure u shouldnt even play ranked if u used to play dota twice in a month lOl

      Forgos ☭

        I should correct it three months ago I have played over 20 matches LOL. It seems it wasn't enough


          stop studying


            I think the day is too short to be really good at dota and finish your studies in time. God help you if you have girlfriend, other hobbies and some social life too :)