If you have something crazy like 3 mjolnirs and mom for attack speed, then basher is worth, otherwise not. Proc chance is so damn low, but it can be good trolly build for pubs.
it's never worth it under any circumstances...you should just go bfly/daed/skadi/mkb etc
i have no idea why any1 would ever go 3 mj, but even if u do, u shouldnt be wasting ur final 1/2 item slot on a 3k+ basher
maybe as a last item if your team doesnt have anything to deal with bkb channels
Stacking Mjollnir on sniper is a totally legit thing to do. Back when he had a ministun headshot I used to go MKB, basher but it's more for a laugh then for a serious game.
there may be times you need alternative builds and basher might be good, but imo mkb is better almost always.
People who support sniper aren't really supporting, they just wait till they get the farm to go regular items anyways. Just played with a "support" sniper and he bought nothing and basically just leached and jungled till he had the items a farming sniper would have. Just took him longer.
There are many unconventional carry playing a support strats you can do but sniper isn't one of them.
MKB is better then Basher.
About stacking maelstorms, you don't have that many slots to afford that. You need slots for Boots / Tp / MoM / Maelstorm, so you have only 2 slots to work with. You kinda' need at least one survivability item - Ex: BKB / skadi / s&y / eblade / bfly / satanic.
Having 3 maelstorms sounds good on paper, but if one enemy has blade mail, you die instantly without bkb.
Abyssal costs quite a bit more for actually less dmg cus of the true strike dmg on proc. True strike is very valuable in this meta where teams pick a lot of agi carries who like butterfly. Also for interrupting mkb is far superior. Makes sniper very good for interrupting witch dr, enigma, cm etc. On a super long range hero like sniper being able to fight uphill is very nice too.
guys check this game out, sniper had 3 maels, he also got a pipe for me cz i was getting rekt <3 and then he sold one maelstrom for deso or smth.
I think abyssal blade is totally legit if its a 6th item. (since abyssal is the strongest carry item in dota (beside divine))
why not after u upgrade to abyssal its decent damage item and reliable disable for close range combat
კომენტარის დასაწერად გაიარეთ ავტორიზაცია.
worth? and what about Korean people that stacks maelstrom with sniper in pubs?