Cant understand why diffusel and no scythe , and why 2 eblades no skadi
not flaming just wondering
Diffusal orb works on manta style illusions
i can poof to manta style illusions
i needed to push so i got all the agility in the world from 2x eblade, diffu and manta whle maintaining decent utility in the form of actives
blink hex is not my favorite build and who knows what would happen if i couldnt threaten highground? game wasnt one-sided.
All guys in our team were so fucking bad we actually won 2v5, look at that piece of trash Axe with free farm 6 min dagger
Oracle bought 4 wards whole game I bought like 8 + curriers + dusts, Sniper screaming on microphone BACK BACK BACk every time in fight when we are stronger XD
Didnt keep track of when axe bought blink, did he srsly get it at 6 min? thats excellent timing, but im pretty sure it wasnt such early blink.
with that much agility it takes like 1 second to get t3, but i mean how do you get kills, just casually walk up to the enemy?? lol
^man use that thing the boy you believe in recalled as god GAVE YOU
BrAiN :))))))))
Manta))) YAYAYAY
poof to manta style illusions, you can watch replay if you dont believe me. illusions are beacons for meepo to poof to. many players are not aware of this. and even once they know that, it isnt always obvious if i am going to poof to illusions or not. i might just use the illusions to scout enemy instead. or push the creepwave.
@dd well Oracle didn't screw me up and he sure could if he wanted (block poof damage by disarming enemy etc). I'm not going to judge him since i usually focus on myself during games.
All I asked for was if he played well, you don't need to judge or focuse on someone to have some understanding if someone played well or not LOLOLOLOLOLOLOL
I ahve fucking sugarshock its bangbnag
@dravivic have impressive winrate but i cant agree with ur build , with blink scythe u can blink kill any1 on there team , imo diffusel is poorsman eblade when on meepo but u had good time , i agree with that build towers take 1 sec , but with my build they may take 2 secs more while i can rape the enemy and handle all there dps , in no offence if the enemy werent brain dead u wouldve explode to there nukes ,
i go the stacking eblades in 2 cases , when they r low on nukes , and when i really have to rat , in ur game u could kill the enemy easly
Anyway meepo is verstile and everyone have his own way , nice game :)
Hi allison, i didnt make thread about that one only because i have so many lost games it didnt even matter to me at that point.
you should probably work hard on your laning stage, pretty sure i shouldn't kill you 2-3 times within first 10 minutes on the lane.
Now, now: another thing is, after you left the lane with 2-3 deaths (not sure) you went Godlike and haven't died at all until lategame. So... i guess your post-lane performance is fine. LMAO.
axe wanted to jungle and had 15 min blink i think, so much fun. he managed to have NEGATIVE impact on the game as jungle axe...
Also, allison, that was just another game against Troll, i just never win against troll and he appears every game. i cant seem to shut down the guy hard enough to not let him get lvl 6. it always goes easy for troll's team when he has lvl 6 and a brain to use the ult when needed.
1+1 = 2
pretty sure you would not win if troll didnt give everyone 3.5 hyperstones, at some point i almost killed you and you turned on me with troll's berserker rage. Not fun.
na bro i fucking suck these days i play like a retard, i lost xan a game too
also i never dare to pick meepo vs troll, if troll was picked before meepo. also i dont 3rd pick meepo either
also, i made a thread for u , i guess u missed it
It takes one support to make jungle Axe have negative impact on the game, so picking Axe jungle and expecting him to do positive is kind of LMFAO tbh
Offlane Axe on the other hand. That has it's place in many games.
i mean , i probably wouldnt lose this particular game because your ember spirit was useless without farm or items but since you had so many meepo counters and its 6.83, the bounty changes easily let you bounce back and take over the game.
კომენტარის დასაწერად გაიარეთ ავტორიზაცია.
didnt win a game against Troll Balancelord for a while. ty for help xD