General Discussion

General DiscussionTyping Speed and Communication (Strawpoll)

Typing Speed and Communication (Strawpoll) in General Discussion

    I've already made a topic similar to this before but wanted to try again

    Dota 2 is a game of communication. You can do this through the chatwheel, voice, or chat. While the obvious choice would be voice due to it's ease and speed, many players tend to use chat (to hide their voice, lazy, no mic, etc).

    I use chat/chatwheel myself due to the fact that I'm only 14 and some (most) people refuse to take me seriously. Which has forced me to usually play mute. On the other hand, using chat has increased my WPM (words per minute) significantly as I now type at an average of 130wpm. Prior to gaming, I typed at around 30wpm.

    I became curious to see how the different types of communication affect your typing speed. and this typing test or whatever language you speak

    TL;DR - Take strawpoll and then typing test and post results of each


      You're only 14?
      I can't take this thread seriously.


        I thought that was obvious but apparently not


          I got 44 and it told me im better than 68% of users
          god how
          i was using ipad


            HotSalsa is awesome i lLOVE HER/HIM


              i smell pedobear here

              THICC BABY SHUM

                i just LOVE HER/HIM.
                no hobo.


                  Words per minute (WPM) 57
                  You are better than 81.44% of all users
                  Not bad but I think my wpm used to be higher

                    კომენტარი წაიშალა

                      Lowest WPM: 61

                      Average WPM: 86

                      Highest WPM: 97

                      Visit the Typing Test and try!

                      @op i highly doubt u can do 130wpm but feel free to prove me wrong

                      im in no best shape atm barely can even do 100

                      კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                        Well, I got 93. I think you actually need to practise speed typing (touch typing?) to go 100+


                          i think i'll get like 40, w8 a sec bois


                            Visit the Typing Test and try!


                              49 = You are better than 73.54%

                              THICC BABY SHUM


                                  This test says that I made a mistake when I wrote "ещё" instead of "еще". Hmmm... confused...

                                  King of Low Prio

                                    Isnt it past your bed time?

                                    King of Low Prio

                                      the whole russian language is a big mistake


                                        There is one good thing in russian language: you can read and pronounce correctly any word even if you see it in text for the first time in your life.

                                        THICC BABY SHUM

                                          why was this sampson even born. whats wrong with ppl?

                                          THICC BABY SHUM

                                            soul trap dont even waste ur time, he dsnt know shit other then what ppl say in dota, dsnt even know half of Countries.


                                              You look smarter when you write nothing.

                                              THICC BABY SHUM

                                                For sec I thought you have brain


                                                  Since I was bored... I have hotkeys for most chatwheel options instead of chatwheel (whole keypad has everything, ss top middle and bottom, well played, care, smoke now, push, take tower and leave, back and some others) use chatwheel for Whoops, Game is Hard and some other funny ones.... Typing speed was 78 wpm. but when it's common phrases and you're less concerned about spelling or not using shorthand. (e.g. wk ss invis) it's usually a little faster ... and when it's sensicle sentences like the test at it's also faster since it makes sense what you're typing.

                                                  I mainly "chatwheel" and alt click things though... typing gets you killed regardless of wpm and my accent is pretty unintelligable (and I'm a native english speaker D: )


                                                    doing this test in native language = impossibru

                                                    i don't even have lithuanian symbols on my keyboard NO KAPPA

                                                    english master language

                                                      კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                                        i get about 100 english 150 swedish, but in dota i'd guess around 500+ as those are normally allways the same stuff you say over and over.

                                                        კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                                          I got around 100. I usually chat and chat wheel to talk to people as well. Generally, in my experience, people in sea server don't care too much for voice chat. (I really only use voice chat to play with friends)

                                                          the realm's delight

                                                            1st try
                                                            i chat often + chat weel
                                                            rarely voice

                                                            კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                                              75, around 91%

                                                              THICC BABY SHUM

                                                                the numbers seemed to move left for some reason possible photoshop


                                                                  About the chat wheel, did anyone have a bug where the mouse gets stuck inside the wheel? Not letting you use the phrase nor move the mouse... happening relatively frequently to me since beast patch and I just don't use the damn wheel unless I'm safe (which I think it's not the purpose of the bloody wheel), because I already died a couple times with my mouse blocked there and it's really annoying...


                                                                    ^ "did anyone have a bug where the mouse gets stuck inside the wheel?"
                                                                    it's a known bug

                                                                    კომენტარი შეიცვალა
                                                                    THICC BABY SHUM

                                                                      you have a mouse?


                                                                        ... and a wheel? and is your mouse stucked? and what about the wheel? and what is it made of? how do u feed your mouse? how many times a week you fart? whos your favourite character in One Piece? whats the sense of life? how to calculate indefinite integers of functions without easily computable primitives? who is writing subtitles for swedish translation of Game of Thrones?

                                                                        კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                                                          btw about the topic - i passed the test on pc and got smthng like 65, afair. expected kinda more difference between ipad and PC results.
                                                                          but i learnt typing back in remote times of WC3, not in d2, although there is no much difference.


                                                                            it's kinda stupid for most people since you type way faster in your native language than in english


                                                                              you can change language there.
                                                                              btw my result in russian (my native) is barely the same as in english, or even lower.


                                                                                mhmm I'll check it out and compare results in portuguese and english then


                                                                                  ^ portuguese

                                                                                  ^ english

                                                                                  however I feel portuguese is way harder than english when it comes to typing because nobody is used to type properly (using all the signals such as á à ã etc) so when you have to type them it feels kinda artificial

                                                                                  კომენტარი შეიცვალა
                                                                                  THICC BABY SHUM

                                                                                    hey sano, i wanted to ask you, what was ur msg about
                                                                                    u msg me xaxaxaxax
                                                                                    then go offline ....



                                                                                      getting a mech keyboard increased my speed by about 15%


                                                                                        I just said that because you added me lol, I didn't mean anything

                                                                                        THICC BABY SHUM

                                                                                          added cuz the lobby, but u never showed up to play treant((


                                                                                            i got 130fgpm

                                                                                            THICC BABY SHUM

                                                                                              i got 4, all i typed was YNIT
                                                                                              I GOT 4TH PLACE


                                                                                                And seriously, those accent in french ....
                                                                                                especially '^' that double the number of hit on keyboard for a letter ...

                                                                                                Anyway, i knew the site, and with the keyboard of my laptop, i actually manage 127 once, and knew that i could be even faster.
                                                                                                If you made the little challenge on that site, for all sceptical about his 130, some of the challenges actuall show how much wpm you are at currently, and it's not hard to go >200 for like 5 secondes.

                                                                                                კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                                                                                  Visit the Typing Test and try!


                                                                                                    Visit the Typing Test and try!

                                                                                                    > Better than 99.73%

                                                                                                    not my best, ive done 132 before. but i injured one of my fingers so yeah.

                                                                                                    კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                                                                                      YNIT sorry bro I havent been logging too much on this account I'm leveling a smurf for fun so I can chill out on solo ranked