General Discussion

General DiscussionMMR Calibration, Hidden MMR (Supporting vs Carrying)

MMR Calibration, Hidden MMR (Supporting vs Carrying) in General Discussion
Raw Dawgin Ur Girl

    Hi guys, I know everyone is tired of reading posts like this, but I'd like to ask some help regarding how calibration works.

    Apparently, when you first create a new acct you're placed in the "unknown bracket" until the system decides a rough estimate for your hidden mmr. Is this purely XPM GPM Last hits KDA hero dmg tower dmg etc?

    I usually play the support role with friends that average around 4.5k mmr so I've learned a lot from them since the first time I started playing like (dewarding, smoke ganking, farming efficiency, jungling efficiency with heroes like engima by stacking the camps etc). Has anyone tried to support from lvl 1 to 13 (+the 10 calibration games) and then compared it with a carry / midlaner from lvl 1 to 13 (+the 10 calibration games) to see if they calibrate differently? I'm not saying i'm now a 5k support, but is the system atleast fair when it comes to support plays? Or should I just play mid carry roles until I get to 13 and calibrate?

    *Edited: Also, what about average hero statistics? For exampe lion having a low xpm gpm, but high assists (So higher game impact?)

    Is it true that they track your acctby IP address so your mmr will stay where it is?

    თემა შეიცვალა

      Well I from the time I first started playing dota to now (I only started with dota 2), I played the support role in 90% of my games. And in 90% of my games, I would play with my friends. I calibrated at almost the same mmr as my other friend who I felt like I played at almost the same level with.

      Personally, I don't think this is something you should think about. If you play to improve, then you will eventually rise in mmr. For example, that friend of mine has basically stagnated in mmr. He has not looked to improve by watching videos or guides from good players. I, on the other hand, am constantly looking for great tips on how to improve and I have also started playing with better people.

      Plus, it is safe to say that support is the least played role in pubs. If you are able to make a high impact in a role that few people know how to play well, I think that can impact the game better than forcing yourself to play mid/carry roles.

      I'm sorry because I know doesn't answer your query, but I'd just like to put this out there.

      Raw Dawgin Ur Girl

        Hi, thanks for the reply. My main concern regarding my mmr is that I want to play higher skilled games when I'm not with my friends. This is my first account so I did a lot of experimenting and not caring because I didn't know much back then. Now, I'm always watching game replays of the heroes I use to see how they maximize their time when not ganking (BigDaddy, Aui, Puppey etc.). Learned tons of neat stuff. Aside from my friends, they used to compete locally so I get a lot of tips from them on how to be better and I've apparently made a drastic improvement that they wouldnt expect my mmr to be at where it is now (3.5k). Im only fretting about my mmr is because solo queing is terrible because i'm used to 5 team mechanics, whereas random pubs kinda just go 4man carries (+ me as the solo support). Though I usually play the aggressive roaming supports because (let's face it, supports can tilt the early game into a win) I know how effective an early gank is esp on a squishy mid like invoker.

        კომენტარი შეიცვალა

          I doubt that the role you choose to play has much impact on MMR. Nor do I think k/d/a/gpm/xpm/hd/td etc. have much to do with how high you will calibrate. I played with 2 friends who both play support 90% of the time and I play carry 90% of the time. This means that my stats were remarkably better most games yet we all calibrated within 200 MMR of each other.

          On a side note, I would really love to know what metrics are used to calculate MMR. One of the aforementioned friends is pretty useless with his builds. He builds phase boots on Disruptor, or rod on Omni for example. He even used to build vanguard on Troll and shadow fiend :/ He also auto attacks creeps and only buys wards when we insist and yet he only calibrated 150 MMR less than me...

          Raw Dawgin Ur Girl

            May I ask your respective MMRs?

            I might make my own MMR experiment with a strong jungler like enigma who gets crazy farm if you know his stacking tricks. On the mmr experiment that I found on the section (forgot his name) he put game impact (heals, dmg, gpm, exp) so I think Enigma might be a good test hero. Since he's a natural mek builder -> bkb blink. Plus, his midnight pulse and BH scale very well into the late game.


              Solo MMR 3362 Party MMR 3481

              This is my current MMR. It's not much, I know, but I think this is basically the average mmr of the people I play with. The highest among my regular playing friends is 4.5k I think.

              It's only recently that I started playing with my 4k+ friends again, so I feel like I am improving. I calibrated around 3.2k i think, and that was with me playing with low 2k/3k friends who have apparently been playing the game for years.

              I guess if you want better games with higher level players, you will have to just improve on your own/win ranked games. You could probably get there with a new account especially if you are improving. I'd rather work on my main though.

              Also, I totally feel you. "Im only fretting about my mmr is because solo queing is terrible because i'm used to 5 team mechanics, whereas random pubs kinda just go 4man carries (+ me as the solo support)." It's a whole different ball game to play solo pubs. I don't solo much because I enjoy playing with friends, but I also really want to work on my solo mmr haha. It's my dilemma as of now.