General Discussion

General DiscussionMeepo balanced

Meepo balanced in General Discussion
Giff me Wingman

    So for all the bitching retards who were complaining about meepo being OP.

    As you can see, meepo is a rare pick again. Many meepo pickers lost mmr and do seem to have a much harder time, yet they almost never face winter wyvern.

    People have actually started to understand how meepo works and know how to play against him. I looked at the top 5 pages on livegames and no meepo picker was to be found.

    Meepo never recived a nerf nor does he get countered by a buffed hero counter. What i am saying is, all you retards who were bitching about meepo being OP have to realize that you are nothing more than a bunch of whiny little b1tches who rather want to cry about a hero being OP instead of figuring out how to counter it.


      Isn't this a pattern we've seen in the past with every other 'OP hero'? People should get it by now.


        Just pick es ember and goodbye meepo

        waku waku

          i don't think this will work with juggernaut though
          his too much of an one man army like slark

          Giff me Wingman

            what are you talking about?

            Jugg isn't picked that often anymore. Troll seems to be the new hot carry.


              Meepo is actually a counter to jugg cause he can waste his ultimate by just jumbling all of them in an area, then earthbind and kill jugg. Jugg is such an easy hero to counter, no one is just building their shit to counter him properly.


                ember spirit isn't really that much of a threat vs. meepo IMHO. ember is so squishy he gets instagibbed by poof combo. I mean, he isn't the easiest hero to play against but he can still be beaten.

                ebola spirit is really gay though, but luckily if you survive his OP onslaught early game then you can win.

                winter wyvern is gay as fuck though. he literally becomes priority 1 just so he can't curse you, and then you can't prioritize their carry which sucks.


                  Nothing stated in the OP has an relevance on balance.

                  Meepo isn't "balanced" the same way other heroes are. He is OP unless you counter pick him, in which case he is awful.

                  He is balanced in captains mode, he isn't balanced in All Pick. Only thing Icefrog really cares about is Captains mode.


                    He isn't balanced in All Pick because people pick what they want... you can't balance around that. Pudge pickers will pick pudge, meepo pickers will pick meepo... shit happens.

                    Giff me Wingman

                      Concede 3k logic used on thread which he doesn't understand.

                      Claims a fuckton of shit he knows nothing about. Adorable.


                        You do exact same thing, shitposter. You claim a lot of stuff that you know nothing about. I don't see how are you different in this matter from any other player here.

                        კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                          Im best meepo. get on my level, boyz.

                          Greygrey the Sailor

                            This is exactly how valve designed their game, tactical unbalance.

                            Example:If storm spirit becomes the new hot stuff and gets tons of games won because of a buff people will claim "op" then it is up to the community to learn how to counter him. The community then decides that antimage with abysll blade and orchid is a way to counter him, now antimage>stormspirit.

                            Now antimage with abysll and orchid is the top dog, so the community tries to take down this hero because he is so 'op' now because 'everyone plays him' so they then pick phantom assassin with orchid because manta is not a common item because the current meta is orchid abbysal, so now pa destroys the antimage, now Phantom Assassin>Antimage.

                            So that is basically Designed imbalance, it keeps the community on their toes, the game is always changing, so because currently meepo is not very played anymore he will fall out of the OP radar and people will stop building up strategies to counter him.

                            If you want a hero to be the next hot shit, let him fall unnoticed for a month or 2, let his counter be buffed and let the community decide the way to counter the counter into oblivion, no one will play his counter and now meepo is at the top of the food chain alongside his counter's counter. :D


                              ?? every meepo picker 6k+ still win 90% of their games lulz :)
                              +what guy before me said is true 100%

                              კომენტარი შეიცვალა
                              Greygrey the Sailor

                                @123 that is because those guys are still some of the best players out there, if they played naga siren or ember spirit they would still win 90% of their games. :D


                                  ^nope. meepo has just too much impact for one person.

                                  კომენტარი შეიცვალა
                                  Pom Pom 🍕

                                    He makes an imbalance in fun if that counts. I don't want to play with or against a meepo. When against he needs to be countered or he'll just snowball out of control (even worse if he lastpicks...). And having him on your own team sucks since player skill level is extremely varying about him, and also leeches off the team's xp making support life less fun.

                                    Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                      He is easily countered, but you can't deny the fact that he is brutally OP if you don't have counters.

                                      Greygrey the Sailor

                                        @123 yeah but to get that impact you have to drain it from everyone on your team, meaning that if you get destroyed in a fight and dont have buyback, your team is missing their big source of impact.


                                          His dieback respawn timer is op.

                                          the realm's delight

                                            idk why hes not picked at all in competitive. only guy who plays it is w33 when the enemy team doesnt ban it. like i dont think he wasnt picked once at DAC, and ti4 only a few picks by singsing i think

                                            კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                              mapo is too hard for me lol


                                                balanced hero, just like brood XD



                                                  because he is countered easily. Even if he isn't countered well, highly co-ordinated teams can punish his weaknesses much easier than pubs. Mostly though he is easily countered.

                                                  This thread is pointless. Some people can play meepo well and "abuse him" to get to high ranks. It makes some of them feel insecure knowing that they cant do it with other heroes, and it doesn't help that people will shit talk meepo pickers. The result is silly posts like these.

                                                  I guess Sam's "6k logic" being identical to my "3k logic" is a fluke.... smh... its called common sense.

                                                  კომენტარი შეიცვალა
                                                  the realm's delight

                                                    i know hes easily countered but there were some scenarios in which a last pick meepo wouldve been super good

                                                    Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                                      They still don't fully trust the capacity of the hero. A year ago he was known as a joke, so.


                                                        Look at it this way:

                                                        If you were a team of 10, basicall 4heres+ meepo whereas each meepo is played by an individual, to it's extreme potentional:
                                                        The hero is broken, but the hero is too hard to execute to it's complete potentional.

                                                        Yes, you do have counters. You do have Ember who basically can kill you in one kaboom, you do have Jakiro who can mess up your movement totally, and any other Earth/Spirit that can trash you into the can, and all those single target whatever disables bang you up easily. However, by a very competent Meepo player he can more or less win every single game.

                                                        Meepo, all-pick, pubgame.

                                                        ^That. That will never make Meepo "oh lol this hero not OP he lost 10 games, he not getting picked anymore o lol"

                                                        And mind you, these are stats from top pubs. Even the best pubplayers can't deal with the best meepos.

                                                        კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                                          its not a consistent enough hero to be played in competitive.
                                                          you can bust it out once or twice as a surprise card and do well with it, stomp even. as soon as people realize you are playing on meepo card you gonna get shit over.

                                                          see xcallibur example.

                                                          anyhow, this op shit in pubs, doesnt matter what so ever. you can abuse pretty much any hero in pubs given the opportunity. play storm without counters, or slark or brood or am, or heroes that cant deal with naga radiance etc etc.
                                                          difference is once people learn you spam 1 hero, they will be inclined to counter you. but unlike slark or earth spirit, you cant pick meepo first and act like nothing bothers you.

                                                          Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                                            I like not picking any Meepo counters and then still wi... lose


                                                              I like picking 5 Meepo counters and still wi... lose


                                                                Playing against Meepo tryhards is just free mmr :P


                                                                  There are legendary players who first pick Meepo.

                                                                  First one to come to my mind is 5000mmr Angel. he first picks/second picks meepo, always. He tanks all the meepo counters which means he probably never gets to 6k+ mmr, but he doesn't really care. He likes the risk of playing meepo first pick/second pick.




                                                                  კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                                                    That Angle guy seem to suck at everything that is not Meepo

                                                                    I would be sad if I went that way by playing one hero only. Glad I decided to play anything.

                                                                    Believe I can do well in any game with any hero within that role expect from mid. I actually suck mid

                                                                    Giff me Wingman

                                                                      You guys are full of shit.

                                                                      You clearly don't know what OP means. By your definition 50% of the heropool is OP. GL with dat logic.

                                                                      OH NO TECHIES OP, NO RANGE PICK ROFLCOPTOR. OH NO ANTIMAGE OP, ENEMYTEAM FULL OF INT HEROES!!!!

                                                                      @DD:So if i post storm spirit players with 70% winrate (like blitz) hero is then confirmed OP?

                                                                      კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                                                        LOOK MY LAST GAME XAAXXAAXAX im the best meepo all regions if u want any guides just pm me

                                                                        meepo hardino for me


                                                                          "You clearly don't know what OP means. By your definition 50% of the heropool is OP. GL with dat logic. "

                                                                          კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                                                            is this the thread where we shitpost and sometimes use the word 'logic'? here's something just as good


                                                                              ur fucking retarded lol

                                                                              if u play against any of the top meepo pickers (i played against ink like last week) ull see why the heroes fucking retarded in all pick



                                                                                Putting the hood in childhood

                                                                                კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                                                                  also angels toxic and his meepos alright at best

                                                                                  literally was parading around "#1 in venezuela" 6 months ago before he lost 1k+ mmr

                                                                                  კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                                                                    i have no issue with meepo atm; will update my mapo butthurt status when I get stomped by one :crazy:
                                                                                    edit: how old are you Salza? :D

                                                                                    კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                                                                      meepo doesn't need to be changed just because he is OP in all pick.

                                                                                      Game is balanced for captains mode.

                                                                                      Giff me Wingman

                                                                                        @Kevin Durant:
                                                                                        I played against Ink and rekt him.

                                                                                        I played again Neo (7.15 k) and rekt him.

                                                                                        Seems you are simply shit. Go uninstall you shitfuck.

                                                                                        Why are you even posting? Noone cares what a 3k trash like yourself have to say. You are literally scum and an idiot.

                                                                                        კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                                                                          its like blunt decided to become the new wave, but not as good.

                                                                                          the realm's delight

                                                                                            wave is life


                                                                                              really can i get the match links to those games lmfao

                                                                                              or post a picture of ur mmr

                                                                                              otherwise stop acting like a baboon in public its disgusting

                                                                                              კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                                                                                I'm 14 why?


                                                                                                  It was fun when wave posted his shit, because he at least provided the games where he did stomp either pro players or known pubstars.

                                                                                                  He was an annoying ass, but at least you could watch his games and do something with 'em.


                                                                                                    ^ Haha, I know right rofl... even if he did shady stuff to get high mmr, he would post high mmr sometimes.

                                                                                                    Who makes a bot driven mmr top list, claims they are 6k, and then refuses to put himself on the list and then insults as many people as possible? Its just pathetic, regardless of mmr, at that point.


                                                                                                      Meepo is mostly fair, but the low respawn timer thing is a bit of shite.
                                                                                                      I want to live the dream and snowball in 5 meepos and 3 heroes with Tusk but it is so hard to bring myself to pick Tusk in any circumstance...