General Discussion

General DiscussionAdvice on this game

Advice on this game in General Discussion

    So this is not a rage thread I REPEAT not a rage thread, I admit I am a bit frustrated, I am 2.7k which is low I know. But for this game: I was stuck for item choices, I went mkb in case of sniper butterfly and broodmother and BKB for obvious reasons. I got blink dagger to get close to sniper, was there a better item choices? Thanks I repeat not a thread to rage, I just want some advice so in the future if the game goes late I will know what to do.


      To me your item build looks fine, the one thing i question is the manta, are you trying to purge the ES silence? I think it could have been replaced with something like a deso or a daedalus.


        you definitely need a dagger (or shadow blade) against a sniper. Manta, while really good against those heroes could have been replaced by a deso.


          How do you get sliced?


            manta is not good against that lineup.


              I'm not sure there's much you could have done to compensate for super-feed skywrath and abandoning am

              casual gamer

                I personally wouldve gone skadi over manta, but it looks like the main issue is just 1-2 fights where sniper didn't get jumped


                  manta + bkb + dagger.

                  Too much utility item.

                  Since there's sniper in opponent team, moslikely droping manta for a daedalus.


                    u needed hex or abyssal to win this game




                        I hate fucking butter AC is 10 times betther if you want Evasion buy talisman Ac gave you Armor ( psy dmg resist ) atck speed boost you team too even talbot is betther then fucking ussles butter atleast you get disarm