General Discussion

General Discussionthis event is fucking retarded

this event is fucking retarded in General Discussion

    I was thinking the event was pretty decent til now but it was because I had never seen people getting their beasts to lv3. Seriously Valve? 50% refresh aura? As soon as the beast hits lv3 people just use Zeus ult 4 times in a row + summon 8 infernals + drop 4 nether wards + 3 tombstones wtf

    Sup m8

      I searched up youtube just to watch something like that. Haha.


        Good thing the only way to get beast to lvl 3 is to pay and buy points ;)


          least they dont make u wait 10 mins to played ranked cuz this shit anymore


            It is.



              me, government hooker

                i agree fk this event


                  take all the free sets and then complain because?


                    i got like 5 lina sets, im like wtf volvo, i don't even play lina.
                    also got same set for slark, and same set for pa, i mean what are the odds??????


                      Personally, dont give a fuck about any items, at all. I just like to play this game, but servers lagg 24/7 since this event started, and sometimes it takes 40-50 mins to just start a game. So for me, this event is complete meh.

                      Tiny Airlines

                        Neither do I, and thanks to this event, the most popular heroes are strange - Omniknight and Warlock? What's up with that?!