General Discussion

General Discussionlate game axe

late game axe in General Discussion

    Hi guys, I started playing axe recently and took well to him, I suppose its easy kinda to play, but what I have a problem with is the late game with him. I usually own, in the early game, and get farm, but after that I struggle since his DPS is not as high as other heroes, and when I initiate and activate blademail, they just stay away/stun and wait.

    I know this place full of exp, so assistance would give me insight of playing better.

    თემა შეიცვალა
    Miku Plays

      Dont try going late game when youre axe, unless two of your cores can go toe to toe with theirs. And dont just blindly initiate while your team is far away, its suicide. Dont forget to take aghs its OP on Axe.


        yeah, I usually go tranq, vanguard, blink, blademail, heart, then its quite certainly late game... though I think I should delay the heart for aghs. thanks

        No giggities?

          I don't think you should go vanguard unless you are being STOMPED by melee right clickers in the early game. You should be able to get tranqs and blink by the ten minute mark and from there you will get a few kills to switch the balance in your team's favor.

          Aghs is fucking op on Axe. Also, if the enemy has a team with illusions and creeps and/or your teammates have strong burst heroes, you may consider getting mjollnir over heart. The lightning procs will do a ton of damage and clear illusions and creeps.


            I lol'd, don't ever go blink first unless they have squishy heroes like Weaver, Sniper, CM, whatever. Vanguard is a most if you don't want to get destroyed when you initiate.


              I usually go tranq, vanguard, blink, crimson then decide if i need aghs/shiva/pipe/bkb.

              Sometimes blademail vs squishy burster like skywrath but id rather get vanguard.


                @kumbo if you lane then yeah, get vanguard.
                but if you are woods and you are building vanguard, you have to be kiddin me.
                i don't like axe offlane too much cuz most of the times it's either rek or get rekt, and i will rather go woods and be useful with ganks on overextended enemies and a fast dagger.

                კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                  Also if you jungle you better go tranq then blink. So you can surprise gank. When i lane i play very aggresive and put at least a point in bhunger to secure kill/harass in lane vs melees. Its actually cery strong if you get boots first youll get a 7min vanguard if you land a few kills with helix.

                  ©Nire Johnc

                    Axe's main purpose in the late game is tanking the team, setting up some free to hit targets for his carries
                    he may play well during early and midgame (which is the only phase where you should take advantage the most as axe), but late game, consider him just like tide magnus and any other setter heroes

                    Axe is the first hero that I play, actually I have an idea on how to build him to hit harder.
                    Buy him a mjolnir.

                    Greygrey the Sailor

                      Build crimson, pipe, aghs and blademail. The more that their dps increases so does yours so use that to your advantage

                      me, government hooker

                        all the russians are actually playing on EU, didnt u know? Russian server is flooded with foreign invaders who do not speak cyka and instead use this monkey english language. Just impossibru to play normally on rus server any more...