General Discussion

General DiscussionI long to see the day of last pick position 1 techies.

I long to see the day of last pick position 1 techies. in General Discussion

    If they use an offlaner, you can 1. play farmstyle or 2. push really fast.
    If they go offensive tri, you would probably win cuz of mines and suicide.

    Get the 12 min aghs + boots.
    Make mobile bases as you 3/4/5 man push dota and noone can jump you because you're standing on 3 remote mines/stasis traps.

    Let the game become fucking enjoyable for everyone watching it.


    I also long for the day the core switching meta occurs where you swap cores midway through game, i.e. give initial farm to supports so they fuck everyone up and then use that space they make for your carry to ks snowball through kills or farm. Imagine those fucking 10 min blink earthshakers or 12 min aghs omni or ogre devastating everything. I really don't know why this is done more often. Its retarded that sometimes you see 20 minute earthshakers with plain boots making them fucking useless. Blink on them > your carry picking up that Crystalys making him do 15% more damage.


      I really don't like what Sniper + Gem + shrapnel (for vision in fog, uphill/trees) can do to techies after having experienced it myself. Because of this I can't condone this kind of "hard carry" all-in pick, but techies should always be considered as a farming hero on the team. Techies can however create a lot of space and defense for another hard carry to come online.


        rushing aghs is stupid if you're farming that well, better to go for a regen item such as bloodstone then aghs

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