General Discussion

General DiscussionGood invoker guide / tips ?

Good invoker guide / tips ? in General Discussion

    I want to learn this hero because I find a good pick for solo pubs and solo allows me to blame my team for everything and rage on them when I fail mid. I've been playing with him a bit with bots and I find myself able to use and decently land his spells when it comes to kill heroes. The thing is I don't know when to change the spells and which situations require what spells, specially to rotate them when CD's are up.

    Any good tips, or guides or good players to watch and learn from?

    Expecting some good olde flaming from the community :)

    No giggities?

      Just a tip from a 4.3kish invoker player ; You don't have to buy euls aghs every fucking game. He is pretty versatile and invoker can be played as a semi-carry ( Orchids into mkb lets say) a pretty strong pusher ( Treads, Necromicon, Cuirass) or a stronger early game roamer if you have ultra late-game carries (Phase, Medaillon, Drums)

      The whole point is, there are many many many ways of playing this guy. Don't try to fool yourself, you won't be good enough to maximize agh's power until you,ve played a ton of games.

      The eul's combo isn't bad, pubstars often go for it and rape with it but keep in mind that in a lower bracket, if you drop all your shit on one hero, you will be useless for the rest of the fight and/or you will not have killed anybody because of the missed timing.

      I then suggest you try more casual builds as you will use only a few spells.

      One last thing, don't go with 4 quas 4 exort, most fucking invokers around my skill level just position themselves so badly that they end up dying a lot because they can't escape shit. I suggest you get 3 quas, 1 wex, 4 exort let's say so you can ghost walk if needed ( The enemy team knowing you went exort build won't bother buying dusts thinking you'll never get Wex until level 10 or 11 so you'll be fine to escape once or twice)


        If u think they could gank you a lot get 1 point of wex after lvl 5 so u have a 1 1 2 1 build.
        i hope u didnt mean that he should skip the 2 forgespirits comletly

        Well, my usual build is getting 4 0 4 1 with midas and treads. At the early lvls i invoke forgespirits and coldsnap and the sunstrike rdy to invoke if i need it.
        then mostly euls and then blink(or reversed) and aghs. WHen you do this u should get your aghs when u hit lvl 17( when u can max invoke)
        U have to know that invo isnt that strong anymore. Since the 2 runes spawn, the non bottle users have a pretty hard time mid

        The sec. u have to know....its always the fault of invo xDD if sth goes wrong its always the invoker, then the flame starts" why u used this instead of this" cuz....u know, u have 10 spells xD

        and rembember this, no one expects a meteor 5mins into the game. but thats maybe not for the newbees on invo^^

        კომენტარი შეიცვალა

          dont lvl up ur ult untill lvl 11


            ^this guy has the point. why the hell do u need a spell that does no dmg?

            Greygrey the Sailor

              Rush radiance and go full quas and wex. This alone has gotten me 9k mmr

              Sayuri USD $

                Just buy urn 1st item so good for invoker <3 .
                The damage and the heal too eZ



                  Pick Invoker
                  Go Dagon E-Blade
                  Carry Mastadoom.

                  (I'm sorry Eul's just stomps too hard not to buy it in low skill games)

                  კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                    I prefer the Quas-Wex setup. You only need to know 5 spells this way. Cold Snap for ganking, Ghost Walk for escape; EMP, Tornado, and Deafening Blast for teamfights. Let someone else be the hard carry.


                      but what am i supposed to do when both sidelanes are absolutely lost and i'm going QE


                        ^ you lose the game.

                        Also, practice