General Discussion

General DiscussionBlack King Bar's nerf or cost increase please gawd

Black King Bar's nerf or cost increase please gawd in General Discussion
Last picking is 4 pussies

    Anyone else feel like BKB's carry way too much weight at this point?

    Ghost Scepter in the reverse angle isn't even close as effective.


      Bkb is such a boring item, i try to avoid it most of the time as a hard carry.

      But I think the items fine atm.

      კომენტარი შეიცვალა

        no, and i feel the opposite about ghost scepter, I love the +stats and it's just so godly on supports

        Pom Pom 🍕

          It makes some heroes completely useless against you, so I think it's fine.
          edit: thought you were talking about past nerfs to it, nvm.

          კომენტარი შეიცვალა

            are you kidding?

            That item has been nerfed repeatedly. It is fine.

            Frankly, I think you are just posting this cause you lost your last 5 games playing invoker, leshrac, and of course Earth Spirit, who are countered heavily by BKB.

            hell, they cant even sell or rebuy the thing.

            კომენტარი შეიცვალა

              Bkb isn't that strong, that's why people avoid buying it if they can, especially in pubs

              "TheKid belowMeIs an ass"...

                they already made it so u cant buy a 2nd one. what else u need


                  Bit harsh to compare bkb and ghost scepter when it is double the price

                  კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                    BKB is and will always be strong as long as so much is blocked by it. There isn't another way to nerf it than changing skills and items not to be blocked by it.

                    casual gamer

                      they nerfed it with qop/lina aghs

                      several games ive bought bkb vs qop and winced when she still takes out 1/2 of my hp


                        shouldn't they make it sellable now that the charges can't be replenished??


                          Black King Bar is actually a weak item now as it is, no nerfs needed. Ghost Scepter on the other hand it's pretty value.


                            6.85 Black King Bar no longer blocks magic.


                              get force staffs

                              Dire Wolf

                                5 seconds late game is nothing, don't care what carry you are, nearly every support can kite you for 5 seconds end game and then you get blown up/stunned and it's over.

                                Bkb those first couple team fights is very strong where 10/9/8 seconds of immunity on a PA or luna or void is enough to wipe an entire team, but it will not save your ass late.