General Discussion

General DiscussionArcanes vs Soul Ring

Arcanes vs Soul Ring in General Discussion

    I see a lot of people, myself included, opting for Soul Ring in place of Arcanes these days. Heroes like Treant, Earth Shaker, Elder Titan, Zeus...

    Why is this? Has Soul Ring always been better? Is it situational? Has there been nerfs/buffs that make it better?



      I would say nothing rly changed in terms of balance between sould ring/arcanes; the actual choice depends on whether your team needs your arc boots badly or not. For your own use, sould ring is usually a better option.


        I think for elder Titan it was always a core item when he was played in the offlane, similar to dark seer. I think the main reason why more supports are getting soul ring now is the recent changes to tranquil boots, which most supports pick up (while unbroken you regen the health cost in about 7 seconds flat), and how it's cheaper and a much easier buildup, not to mention that it also gives a passive regen boost as well as burst-mana on a much shorter cooldown than arcanes.

        In terms of team play, arcanes are still a good choice if you have a large number of heavy spell casting heroes which mean you can't be selfish with your mana regen choice, however the prelevance of carries picking up bottles now (even safelane farming carries, primarily in competitive but you still see it sometimes), as well as potentially having multiple bottles on a team sort of mitigates this, which again favours a soul ring build as opposed to arcanes

        Totentanz to The King: M ...

          Soul Ring gives more mana per second, but it doesn't help you sustain because you can't keep the mana you get, you have to use it. Also it gives HP regen which is good for roaming heroes and supports.

          Pom Pom 🍕

            It became better on Zeus since the change to his lightning bolt. Since you can deward with soul ring + lightning bolt without losing much mana.


              The potential midgame bloodstone pickup is attractive on some heroes as well.


                Its kinda dangerous losing 150 hp earlygame, and the mana you get is just for you, and only for you.

                The minor stats that you get (regen) is nothing special.



                  Oh wow, don't forget you can buy tranquils and regen that 150hp in 5 seconds.


                    Usually I like arcanes better because some extra-mana for my team always helps. If I go for tranquils, I prefer some basilius / medallion / urn instead of soul ring.

                    კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                      On supports: either tranquils + soul ring, or arcanes for team. Late game you would want to make BoTs out of arcanes, some supports have more important items to get -> tranquils. Depends on the team in the end.

                      Oh yeah, good to get early game if you are going for bloodstone anyways.

                      კომენტარი შეიცვალა
                      Greygrey the Sailor

                        Get neither, rush radiance. It is a great item. Kappa

                        me, government hooker

                          No, don't get any of those silly items.. Go all levels in stats until you can get your ulti 2 times, then put your levels in that and rush skaadi

                          Greygrey the Sailor

                            oh I see what you are doing.. very clever... I like it


                              definitely not a fan of all the supports getting tranqs lately, my teams are always mana starved, i use wisp a lot where I feel like tranqs are kind of necessary, but the 2nd support always seems to get them too (if there even is a 2nd support lol)

                              Fuyumi Ai Best Waifu

                                soul ring will let you spam nuke in lane :D


                                  From a support point of view:

                                  Generally, if team NEEDS mana badly (like you have a bristleback on your team but no way to sustain him e.g. he has no bottle/basi ring/etc) then get arcanes.

                                  If your team is alright, then I suggest getting soul ring + tranqs to sustain your mana.

                                  კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                    Both Arcane Boots and Soul Ring may lead to Bloodstone.