General Discussion

General DiscussionPlaying Carry in Pubs QQ

Playing Carry in Pubs QQ in General Discussion

    Always used to play fairly farm-independent heroes (Visage/CM/Lich etc.)

    Didn't realise how fucking irritating it is when you try and play a safe lane hard carry in pubs.

    It never bothered me when my carry missed last hits - i at least knew they were trying - but supports stealing farm is fucking ridiculous.

    No particular point to the thread. Just raging at my last two Spectre losses. First one had an Axe culling easy kills from me when I was farming my Radiance. And the last one was made doubly rage-inducing by the Phoenix/WD/Lion who couldn't buy a courier or mek between them but did manage 3 aghs rushes....special mention goes to the Lion who I was fighting for last hits with....

    And yes, I know I'm shit but at least when I play support I do my best to secure farm for my carry and don't nick kills from them....well, unless I have Soul Assumption on max charges ;)

    if you don't want to play support then pick a jungler and at least let me sap full XP.



      Kill steal doesn't exist, what exists is overkill and that's another thing
      Who cares if axe gets the kill, he's got a nice way to secure it and nobody expects random people in pubs to let others get the last hits on heroes. Also your farm is terrible and that probably isn't your supports' fault.


        Axe can get plenty of farm in the early game from all the kills Spectre can't participate in. He can also clear creeps from pretty much the get-go. Spectre can't flashfarm before her Radiance. The entire team gold and damage output is higher if Axe lets Spectre get a kill. what am I missing here?

        I'd agree with you on your last point if I had supports. Just cos there are support heroes on your team doesn't mean you have support does it?


          the kill doesnt go to axe, the kill goes to your TEAM.
          besides, an axe with a lot of items is really scary.

          კომენტარი შეიცვალა
          casual gamer

            A ranged hero shouldnt be able to fight you for last hits, the worst thing that happens is you have to buy qblade (which you should get anyway) and if you really suck at csing phase boots

            Now if its a fucking ogre magi you gotta go jungle or something


              kast you are just playing with words. the bulk of the reliable gold goes to axe. i don't care about the size of the number in my K column.

              and an axe with items may be scary but it isn't as scary as a spectre with items.

              კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                yes it is
                axe is a very scary hero mid game and if he snowballs he's gonna be the number 1 threat in the game and create space for YOU, the carry, to farm safely


                  Just the fact that you want supports to build mekansm shows how little you know about the game.

                  Focus on improving yourself, stop focusing on your team. Spectre is not a good hero to play pubs without reliable teammates.


                    let me put it this way>>> the axe player is selfish and thinks a fast aghanims will probably make this game ez katka, and you too are selfish, and think that this 1 little kill will help you get a radiance 3 seconds faster and will make the game easier.
                    but in the end it doesnt matter who gets the kill, the kill matters.

                    and +1 on meepo and sano

                    კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                      if you wanna play carry you should start by trying to improve your mechanical skills because from what I can see your farm as spectre is sub 2k mmr level
                      you average 100~150 lhs in 40 min games which is a joke, you should have at least 250, more than that if you have Radiance
                      start last hitting correctly in lane, you should have 50+ cs at minute 10 since your lane opponents probably suck
                      also buy urn because it's OP on spectre


                        yeah i know sano - i made it clear in the op i was a shit carry....

                        dravic: would you really not expect one of lion, phoenix and witch doctor to pick up a mek? do you think them all rushing aghs is optimal?


                          :') -> (thinks supports should get mek)


                            you dont rush anything as supports every game, its all situational and depends on matchups and game state.

                            phoenix is not a support or at least: does not offer too much as a support - he needs a lot of levels.

                            Lion core item in early-midgame is getting tranquils and if played as position 4, if you watch any high level games (maybe even pro level games) you want your blink and/or force staff as fast as possible with maybe casual bracer picked up.

                            Mekansm has very strict timing, the longer you wait before its picked up, the less it's worth.

                            you should aim to get mekansm as fast as possible if you plan to get it at all, its an item for teamfights and pushing as a team. it does not scale too well into the lategame (only armor part scales).

                            now, if somehow your support is wrecking shit left and right (i.e picked up 5 kills before 10 min mark) he has high GPM which means he can get certain items very fast. why not get a BLink on that Lion, or start working on witch doctor aghanim, to further your lead? going for a 20 minute mek on witch doctor doesnt do much but AGhs might change game.


                              I think you could change your item choices a bit and have more success. That's not to say your stats are not good on Spectre (great winrate so far), I just think you could optimize your item builds a bit more.

                              Why don't you have radi in half these spec games? I think even if it's like 35 min in Radi is still the best item choice on Spec, the hero just feels so trashy without it.

                              A lot of your spec games are very long, I feel like that's a bad thing, because heroes like void/sniper/medu/CK will have a better chance of beating you in ultra late game IMO. Not sure if that's just luck or your item build is kind of making the match drag on.

                              As for heart, I don't think it's a must have at all on Spec, the hero kind of sucks at manfighting. I choose spec when I can pick off weak support INTs with haunt/dagger. And skadi, well i'm not into it at all. The mana stats are 100% wasted and you would get equivalent damage from a simple Yasha (and almost same damage on your illu's too), yes i realize it helps you tank up but if you deal no damage you're not an effective pos.1 carry. (kind of like these medusas who rush Linken)

                              Spec is one of the worst laners in the game too, pretty much 100% of spec games you're going to have a "bad laning phase" so you can't really blame the support ALL the time for that (but yes, sometimes the so-called "support" just sucks balls and makes your life hell, usually these are disgruntled carry players with no clue what they're doing).

                              And just always keep a TP on you and always be farming, don't be afraid to buy your own wards to protect your farm zone. If you see trouble, just dagger intro cliffs/trees and TP away. You can pick up an early item to help you jungle, either Urn, vit booster if you know you want heart later, or even ring of health if you're planning on refresher, just anything to mitigate that creep damage

                              Also whenever you're in highground pushes, try to get the tower aggro onto yourself so you can disperse that damage, tell your teammates to A-click you if tower goes on them.

                              I don't want to come across as flaming you, I just had a painful spectre loss myself so I can definitely relate. This game where you went 21 kills and lost, you're pretty much facing a nightmare lineup for Spectre. As a brood player I can say enemy spectre is basically a free win due to how poor of a laner spec is.

                              Anyway I say keep picking Spec, the hero seems to suit you nicely. Remember to mute those trash supports so you can dodge them next time. And have fun


                                Like people already mentioned, Mekansm is more effective earlier in the game since it offers a fixed amount of healing. Supports usually aren't able to afford such an expensive item early. That's why Mekansm is usually done by cores such as OD, SF, BB and so on, or good jugglers such as enigma (can get 6 min mek).
                                Just because it heals doesn't mean the supports are the ones supposed to buy it.


                                  thanks for clarifying dravic. i still think at least one of those three would've benefitted from a survival/team item rather than three aghs. lion got a 16min dagon after his tranqs so i was exaggerating a bit that they all rushed aghs. anyway, on that basis he could've gotten a 14min mek, which whilst not enigma/chen speed isn't terrible especially considering how squishy the team was. It was Phoenix' first game I think so I'll let him off. WD could've got it at 16mins looking at his build.


                                  I find Radiance takes too long for me to get and I'm super irrelevent before i get the relic - if Axe let me get the kill gold it might be different :-) With Phase>Bracer>Diffusal I find I can keep the game alive more. I go Radiance when I feel the team doesn't need much from me till 30mins - so very rarely...

                                  Once I have Diffusal or Radiance I tend to focus on tanking up to make the most of Dispersion. If you don't tank up then your passive is kind of wasted and you have no steroid that scales.

                                  I do think that the easiest way for me to improve my Spectre is to get an early Ring of Health more often and getting some farm from the jungle.

                                  I really do farm badly with her. Guess the radiance would help a lot.


                                    yeah i understand sano and i don't buy it on poor supports. 2/3rds of the meks i've bought have been on necro and viper.

                                    just checked and it is actually my second most bought item after magic wand :D


                                      I usually do QB > urn (before boots) > phase > straight into radiance, and yes it can be very hard to farm up, but honestly i feel like spec is irrelevant all game if he has no radi :P

                                      Dire Wolf

                                        Just don't pick carries that suck in lane and require good support play. As much as people hate sniper and drow for example with their range and shrapnel/frost arrows they can have solid lane presence. Or jug with his ward and magic immune spin or sven with his stun or ck with his stun/rift burst potential.


                                          Just with phase boots urn you're very relevant early mid game.


                                            even antimage or spectre if played well can be good in lane, it just requires a lot of skill


                                              Heart is by far one of the best items on spectre

                                              Dire Wolf

                                                "even antimage or spectre if played well can be good in lane, it just requires a lot of skill"

                                                No way spec can harass enemy offlaner out of lane if support doesn't help. AM can depending on the hero.


                                                  you will rarely find any good carry players in normal skill.. so play carry by yourself if confident


                                                    if you go phase>urn do you then generally max desolate or dagger?

                                                    i normally max dagger first but maybe the damage of desolate +chase of phase is sufficient whilst saving for a radiance?

                                                      კომენტარი წაშალა მოდერატორმა

                                                        I always max dagger because that's how you snag kills early on

                                                        I just get one point in disperse it's basically garbage until like 25 mins imo

                                                        Semi on topic, has anyone noticed lately when you hit catapults it gets desolate for the first hit sometimes? it's like buggin out

                                                        @atheist sure it's GOOD but is it necessary every game? or even most games? i don't feel like it is

                                                        კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                                          yeah you definitely get a desolate effect on catapults sometimes. never checked whether it actually does any extra damage though. aren't siege creeps magic immune?


                                                            >Normal Skill


                                                              You know you jsut look like a dick when you just say "normal skill". at least criticise builds or cs.

                                                              It looks even more dickish when your last game as Troll was Normal skill.


                                                                Computer game ratings matter guys


                                                                  Only because I was stacking with friends.

                                                                  Edit: Looked at replay for more recent game, firstpick spectre, alright I think I'm done here.

                                                                  კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                                                    nobody cares nerd rofl


                                                                      I find it hard to even pick a carry. If I call it and try to pick last I can't because at least 3 carries are already picked. If I instant pick a carry no supports will get picked. How do you consistently play carry in solo some one teach me


                                                                        milnor, if there's no communication in the team and no-one picks i'll pick a carry first and frankly don't really care if the team don't pick around me. if i'm left with last or last but one pick then i pick a hero that fits the team - which is invariably a support!

                                                                        recently it seems everyone wants to play chicken with who picks first so i end up with a lot of carries....

                                                                        Dire Wolf

                                                                          Idk I just shadow my pick and most of the time people do not try to take my lane and will pick at least 1 support. Whether they're any good is a totally different story though so you often end up with a terribly hard lane. If people don't respect the shadow and also shadow all carries in your lane then I'll just pick right away. Then they will usually pick something else. It's only maybe 10% of the time that they will still be stubborn and pick a second carry in your lane.


                                                                            When you get 4 carries you have to pick Wisp and play the keep-the-retards-alive game