General Discussion

General DiscussionWhich heroes are you expecting to get buffed next?

Which heroes are you expecting to get buffed next? in General Discussion

    DK just doesn't work without bottle crowing.

    I think he dragon breath needs some sort of rework. It fits him being a dragon, but it doesn't fit the heros mana/role requirements

    EZ MID 9k mmr

      Treant needs a buff, shit hero.

      Tiny Airlines

        ^True that

        Main problem he has no damage output - sure he has his leech attack and auto attack but that's it. Omniknight may not have many attacks but he has a 360 pure damage nuke. Can't they make it to where overgrowth does damage over time during the stun like Frostbite?


          ^ Uuhh...did you happen to see this guy's stats?

          Tiny Airlines

            Omniknight? I'm aware his win rate's going down.

            If you're mentioning me, then yes, I am not that good with Treant, not one of my better heroes.


              No, I meant the guy who's above you and who you pointed.
              Extremely successful Treant player who's most likely just joking about the hero's state. Treant is pretty fine as it is.

              Dire Wolf

                Lol treant not enough dmg mk. Treant's a great lane support vs other melees cus of his extremely high base dmg. Who cares about bat when harassing and you hit them once and back?


                  If treant would have the dmg on his ult without having the aghs and treeward around, i could easly see him in the meta though. You cant get aghs on treant in a serious game.



                    Greygrey the Sailor

                      Juggernaut.... I will escort myself out now.


                        inner vitality should be unpurgeable again, and mb (+1 armor -2 agi on huskar) or +5 agi


                          Is inner vitality something people paid too much attention to anyway?

                          I feel this hero get bursted to ~30%-40% hp by magic damage real quick, then he get finished of by some phsyical criit or something.
                          His 3rd spell feels so underwhelming to me.

                          Bring back damagehuskaaaar plizzz


                            let us have 30-slotted meepo or riot


                              eul > huskar currently. (or diffu) or invoker.

                              If you purge innervitality when huskar is low, you can remove a 70hp sec heal.

                              Just 80 streng, and you already have a 74hp / sec heal with inner vitality on huskar.

                              That's basically alchemist ultimate if you pump your streng a bit more:) -need 113 streng to have more heal than alche-

                              კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                He will still have the problem that he is quite bad in most games though, will he not? :s

                                I feel Huskar is a hero someone realize a way to play him and he can be superpowerful, but I don't know. Physical damage just .l. him


                                  ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ GIFF ENCHANTRESS BUFF ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ


                                    ember needs big buff, he just cant keep up with the other heroes now since everybody gets 500buff / patch
                                    just give fist 100% on creeps

                                    კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                      ^ lol'd so hard.

                                      ember is just fine.He doesn't need to be balanced, which is why he doesn't get "500 buff / patch" -_-.

                                      if you want to buff anybody, it's alchemist.Shit's so weak .-.

                                      Tiny Airlines

                                        ^ No kidding. Alchemist is just trash now - and to think my win rate with him is 55% and I've avoided playing him because of the nerfs he's gotten.

                                        While we're on the topic, Nyx could use some better health regeneration.

                                        paid actors enjoyer

                                          This Zelda Guy is trolling so hard

                                          Dire Wolf

                                            No he is serious.

                                            A lot of stuff fucks huskar, once enemies get bkb it's bye bye magic flaming spears and half your dmg. Ever try huskar vs omni? Ridiculous. He just kinda stinks unless you feed off all the bad snipers/drows/squishy supports, and even then the snipers and drows have to be bad cus they outrange you by like 100000 yards.


                                              Huskar at least can fight in the early game and mid game, and has snowball potential.


                                              Alchemist, on the other hand, can't fight effectively till late-mid to late game, and even then he is out-carried by other hard carries. Alchemist is the number 1 hero who needs a buff.

                                              Miku Plays

                                                Lc duel mutes passives


                                                  gonna be weird since they alrdy changed it tho, dont rly expecting vice versa change

                                                  Quick maffs

                                                    Please icefrog dont buff alchemist

                                                    Miku Plays

                                                      I dont think it will be weird.. Duel should be fair and square, both heroes should have their skills muted including passives, but held items should proc still.

                                                      Tiny Airlines

                                                        Nyx is a pain in the ass to play. Landing his impale is just ridiculous - can't we go back to it being a unit target?

                                                        THICC BABY SHUM

                                                          LOL, nyx is good and easy to pull of stuns, my last game was nyx, mbe missed only 1 stun. I actually think its better not being select target because this way you can stun more ppl if use correctly.

                                                          Mortimer Smith

                                                            Flaming laso giving damage????? are u mad? it could be the fuckest OPest hero in the game

                                                            Mortimer Smith

                                                              Batrider was nerfed like 3000 times but it still a very good hero

                                                              Dire Wolf

                                                                Changing impale to unit target was a buff so it doesn't pop linken's.


                                                                  I won't be happy until Fissure has 6000 unit range

                                                                  Tiny Airlines

                                                                    Timberwolf it's point target but it makes playing Nyx harder to play with, but at the same time you could stun more people. You can do unit target with lion and he'd still be able to stun like no other.

                                                                    THICC BABY SHUM

                                                                      only in lower skill lvls i guess

                                                                      Tiny Airlines

                                                                        Hmm, yeah if they were to bring it back to unit target it would be easier to dodge for high levelers.

                                                                        THICC BABY SHUM

                                                                          how i use it is to just predict position of enemy heroes in next second

                                                                          Greygrey the Sailor

                                                                            Actually, let them buff meepo. He isn't powerful enough Kappa