General Discussion

General Discussionhelp me through the high skill to the very high skill

help me through the high skill to the very high skill in General Discussion

    bro, this is my new account, i'm just level 13 and u know? Since i made this account i always play and play again. I always check my dotabuff statistic from the level 1.. from that also, i got normal skill, normal skill, normal skill, normal skill, normal skill, and then high skill, high skill, high skill, high skill, then i realize how important that is for my mmr, i think in this circumstance, my party mmr is just realistic, i got 3070 mmr party for high skill bracket, so i will not open my solo mmr before i got very high skill bracket... is that bracket affects my mmr or not? thank u.


      dafuq did i just read


        nice smurf acc


          I don't understand people, who are trying to pass to the very high skill bracket and then start the ranked, theres a huge difference between ranked and normal games, as people in normal games, just don't give a single flying fuck, and in rankeds, slowly but steady you can actualy improve, so just spam your rankeds, care not about the MMR, but your performance, and eventaully you will get yourself to a decent spot, theres no such stuff as MMR HELL, theres just YOU who suck, most of the time. GG your way to the 7k

          Yoichi Isagi | Blue Lock

            you can't party to 5k. u need to sandbag moar. Maybe watch a few pros do it on twitch. Play only OP heroes like Meepo, Ember Spirit, troll and slark.

            Trust me 5K ranked is just as toxic as 3k ranked and about the same level of noobz. Only think good about 5k is when their really bad you know they bought the account.

            I suggest trying a 5k account of a friend or relative first, it's nothing special. Same shit different account.


              @Jacky lmao, its not really the same, because the mechanics and game understand is way different in 5k, of course toxicity is in the same level.


                Lmfao normal skill player saying 5k bracket is nothing special, oh god

                If you lend your account to any 5k player he'll have a 95% winrate at least.

                casual gamer

                  3k vs 5k is HUGE difference, I mean i noticed a difference when I dropped 200 MMR, 2000 MMR and ur practically playing a different game


                    uhh, confused


                      I don't know about 5k, but 4,5k is the same trash as 3k in Russia. =)


                        i just copy- pasted OP's post on a .txt on my desktop ty



                          Just look at this game. This is Russian 4,5k MMR laning:

                          Top: Jakiro vs Wraith King + jungling Alchemist
                          Mid: Huskar + Pugna vs Zeus (who had to buy courier, because no one else did; and I feel really sad for this guy)
                          Bot: Omniknight (me) + Troll vs Luna (wtf) + Riki



                            Well, ppl are same agressive both on 5k and 3k, particularly if we talk about russian server (lel), vut yet if I had to boost some 3k acc (my main, thise one, is about 5k), I definetely wouldnt face much troubles. Probably wouldnt have 95% winrate as said above, but something about 70-80%, i guess. And anyways, games on 5k tend to be way more interesting than those ones on 3k, although it can be just a matter of personal perception.

                            edit: just realized that after reading all the above written i posted some shitty offtopic. about the question: your skill bracket that currently depends on hidden mmr is going to change with exactly same speed as mmr. In other words, you wont gain neither lose anything (in terms of mmr points), if u calibrate now. Your hidden mmr is more sensitive to your performance than typical mmr only in your very first games, not when u r above 13 lvl.

                            კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                              @soultrap usualy above 5k+ games russians are super tryhard they all use voice chat do smoke ganks to help out ur mid n shit

                              stack for cores /etc definetly skillcap way above european servers cuz there ego clashes with 5 mid players in 1 team


                                Need Boost 3k to 5k
                                Versuta got 5k.


                                  Help me tru normal to not lose 5 in a row. Ty!

                                  me, government hooker
