CM is op. I just realized I have a good winrate with her. Should spam her moar.
Crystal Maiden - 12 - 75.00% - 2.47
Comic is decent, rather enjoyed it.
Also, CM arcana? Finally support spam. I was getting sick of retarded 4k core players, maybe that will change for a bit.
I had a lot(3 motths( of offtime so i had to spent a lot of time to get back in shape.
I didnt get 2 6k cause I just had not enough time to get there at that time :/
Anyways my highest was 5.6/5.9
Now I am at 5.3/5.6~
You can add me if you want
I'm probably going to start spamming her now.
Also the legendary "Soultrap level 1 Aura" strat will now be op confirmed.
literally nothing
at this point i guess we wont get 6.84 patch notes anytime soon.
All hail the spinning trinity
CM is surprisingly good atm. I go 0-2-3-1 or 0-3-2-1 in most case and skip the Q until later level because you cant use ult if you Q and W and well, since last update, CMs ultis radius doubled and it is EXTREMELY powerful early game if ennemy team has no stun/silence. Or i just juke in trees and pop ult and its like a stronger epicenter+slow. If next patch CMs gets buffed again, it might be my go to support now with lion.
კომენტარის დასაწერად გაიარეთ ავტორიზაცია.
Comic similar to the PA arcana comic, which kind of explains the lore about cm and winter wyvern and how cm gets her new arcana that she will be getting along with the release of winter wyvern.
EDIT: it seems that the cm arcana will be the cape which means that you should still be able to use different staffs and headpieces with it