General Discussion

General DiscussionNew Faceless Void meta?

New Faceless Void meta? in General Discussion

    I dont have the match but basically he didnt went the usual build (tread - MoM - mael). He went a build i hardly havent seen before. He went tread - diffusal - aghs - refresher.

    Sounds weird at first but it seems the agi from diffusal gave him just enough to finish us off in the chrono early game, then went straight into aghs for lower cooldown then after went for refresher. Sounds like a build were he just chrono us and the supports just finish us with nukes but he could still solo us.

    And with his aghs+refresher, it felt like he chronoed every fights twice. There was nothing much we could do, even without chrono he could solo kill support due to the slow from diffusal.

    Ill have to try that build.

    EDIT: found it:

    He sold his diffu by the end for mkb/butter.

    Forgot he got a bkb too at some point.

    თემა შეიცვალა
    casual gamer

      Diffusal is not an item to buy every game on void


        It didnt feel like it was good vs us beside the slow that could help him get easy kills on solo zeus/jakiro without having to chrono.


          I'm sure he decided to avoid MoM, because of Zeus in opposing team.

          "TheKid belowMeIs an ass"...

            seems like it would only work if he had someone to deal massive damage in chrono.

            kanye went to uni

              maybe he wanted to diffuse the silences from earth spirit


                Still i think id go tread-mom-bkb(if needed)-aghs for my next game. Aghs looking viable now since chronos needs more mana and the cooldowns getting nerf every patch.