General Discussion

General DiscussionWisp Tips

Wisp Tips in General Discussion
playinginursockdrawer mm soc

    I'm bored with Dota 2 and want to learn Wisp, are there any tips for me?
    I do know about the urn-overcharge combo to heal your tether target.


      BUY BOTTLE , collect runes , stack jungle , relocate gank/save teammates ez win ez life

      Sugar Show

        Go mid and farm Dagon then shadow blade, At Lvl 8 tp allies for gank.


          Stack with YNIT and get carried.


            ^ I r8 10/10
            Game play wise your job is to always stay back, heal and overcharge your carry. Best heroes with him are tiny, ck, ursa and some other carrys with stun or slow.

            Item wise you will need to decide if does ur carry need mana (tiny) then u go arcanes or regan (ck/ ursa) then you go tranqs. bottle is still broken item, and wand should be always bought. Mek op. Later on you can buy blink to increase the range of the tether, or ghost scepter. Hex and bloodstone also good. My skill build is q w w e w r w q e e re q q
            The hardest part of playing io is not to die and tp in right place making sure enemy dsnt have too much time to run away, but also make sure you know where is enemy team. You dont want to kill ur carry tping next to 5 ppl.

            THICC BABY SHUM

              And never do this on io
              Can add me and we can do io tiny mid, wins vs any lineup but od, prison tiny kill io, then kill tiny ezy 0 armor retards. ajajjaajjaj

                კომენტარი წაშალა მოდერატორმა

                  1. Bottle
                  2. Boots
                  3a. Urn, SR, mek (order depends on the game, mek can be skipped but only if you have some hero that needs it)
                  4. Upgrade boots to PT or tranq.
                  5. Bkb, hot, shiva, dagon if stomping... but you won't be getting to this part often. :D

                  Ghost is VERY situational. If you are constantly getting rekt by physical dmg dealers, it means your positioning is bad.
                  Don't buy support items. If they tell you, you say wisp is not support, if they complain you say l2p noobs and mute. :D

                  Totentanz to The King: M ...

                    Wips Tips.


                      Soul Ring into double Rapier and Heart build:


                      MOA KIKUCHI ASTRALIS

                        one thing you must know is that using blink (eul and manta works too) during the travel period of tether causes the break range to become around 2200 (tether range is 1.8k) which is really important.

                        range lasts only for tether duration and gets reset when u relocate though

                        კომენტარი შეიცვალა


                          Dude, you have are on a 31 win streak... Wow... teach me how to play Lanaya plz *-*


                          კომენტარი შეიცვალა