General Discussion

General Discussion[question] help me plz

[question] help me plz in General Discussion

    hey guyz im now to dotaBuff and i have a question
    how can i make this high skill or very high skill?? i mean what is depend on?? i mean my LH,GPM,XPM, KDA?
    _Sry for my bad eng_ & ty for answering


    Giff me Wingman

      It depends on your MMR
      0-3199 Normal Skill
      3200-3699 High Skill
      3700+ Very High Skill


        well in this account im lvl 5 right now and i dont have MMR :|
        but my frined is lvl 10 and he is on high skill


          btw this is my third acc


            just keep winning and trying hard to win always counter pick and pick your best heroes and you will get there.

            King of Low Prio

              your account always has a MMR, playing ranked only makes it visible rather than invisible.


                if you're 40 games into a smurf and not high or v.high yet you won't be for awhile or unless you learn/change something drastically. maybe play 1 hero only if you really want to gain mmr.

                კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                  ty for answering guyz...but can u plz check my last matches and say what should i do??


                    plz guyz i just want to know what should i do to make it high or very high... :(


                      not suck


                        what? :D