General Discussion

General DiscussionThat winstreak from Bogi boys

That winstreak from Bogi boys in General Discussion
Everyone loves Chibi

    How low did he drop that he's winning so much lately? :D


      he's the best player EU

      Everyone loves Chibi

        That's well known. Tell me something we dont know - like the mmr he droped to :)


          I think he mentioned here someday he actually dropped to 3.9k, not sure though :D

          me, government hooker

            sexy af


              pick jugger = win


                if im not wrong, hes now around 4.3k i think..


                  4360 I think

                  Everyone loves Chibi

                    Cool, ty. He'll will now go up to 4.6k or sth, then he'll start to play bad, rage a lot and drop back to 4k. Repeat that and u have the full circle :D


                      When he originally said that he dropped to 3.9k I thought he meant that was his lowest mmr ever. Not what he was at


                        why do you care.

                        Everyone loves Chibi

                          And why do you care that i care, Reddit copy/paste boy? Bogi is my inspiration, easy as that. If i see him at low 4k, it hurts my feelings.


                            He has changed his approach to the game, that's all... :p

                            Giff me Wingman

                              that's why he's in low prio after losses again HAHAHAHAHA

                              Everyone loves Chibi

                                Poor Bogi, 13+ games of low priority again... he doesnt deserve that.