General Discussion

General DiscussionTemplar Assassin Item Build?

Templar Assassin Item Build? in General Discussion

    Should I get Phase>Bottle>Deso or Phase>Drums>Yasha>Deso or Phase>Yasha>Deso? I'm not a fan of blink so basically should I get drums, yasha and deso. Or just yasha and deso. Or just deso before going onto BKB, Butterfly Daedalus.


      Whatever wins games ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


        BKB *MKB

        კომენტარი შეიცვალა

          sny and hex are underrated


            I go phase>blink>deso>yasha
            then go to dmg item or bkb if needed


              What if you don't like blink?

              Dune, the Desert Planet

                Phase, PT, Yasha, Wand, Drums, Buriza, MKB, BKB, Manta, SnY, Butterfly, AC, Skadi, Dagger, Linkens, Diffusial, HoT are all valid items. Just follow the game flow and get items according to your opposition and amount of snowballing.


                  Saw Waga use this one and I have used it with success, you go power threads - sange and yasha- mask of madness- bkb


                    I sometimes feel like you can get any items and win if your enemies don't specifically try to counter TA.


                      everythings situational but phase > bottle is definitely not the build thats only against bat where stick gives enough sustain for lane


                        im a terrible lanaya player but i went phase madness and dont remember what and i could kill super ez.... no skils needed. sadly it was 3v5 so i lost :D. i couldve won but i don't play lanaya well so...Madness is stronK


                        კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                          Some shameless selfpromotion, but its actually the build i made/use with 68% winrate. (actually higher since i made it after i learned TA)

                          კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                            I play ta alot and there is 2 builds that i go for


                            Keep in mind deso is not always a core on ta sometimes u might need to make s&y and / or bkb which lates ur deso and i dont like to get deso late

                            The second build with treads blink is underrated but im having huge success with it for the reason of the dagger buff on her , u can blink while taking hits under refraction


                              deso late is still significantly better than trying to cobble together parts for a daedalus, thanks to the interaction with psi blades

                              i would argue deso is ultimately core on her until ultra-late at least.

                              კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                @zenoth imo when ur having a hard game where ur getting ganked alot or something like the enemy have heavy disables i would rather go bkb into manta/s&y unless im the main dps of the team , if u cant right click deso wont help , every1 have his way in playing the game so i wont tell u no ur not right about that .

                                If u look at my games i get deso in maybe 95% of my games , but there is that games where ta will strugle and they go deso first before bkb or bkb then deso when it will be extremely hard for them to even right click , as u can see i said its not "always" a core

                                Sry for bad english its my second language

                                კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                  when i mean it's core, i mean that it is still the premier DPS item compared to for example Daedalus. Obviously in a game where you are faring badly, you may need to opt for utility items first, for example BKB or in extreme cases perhaps even Force Staff. However, assuming you haven't lost flat out already, at some point you would want to go for a DPS item.

                                  my point here is that Desolator would still be one of the best choices to go for as a DPS item, because of how it synergizes with TA's kit overall. Obviously there are exceptions, for instance when someone on your team already build Deso, or if the other team has multiple cores with evasion, etc, but when it comes to simple damage Deso is the best for the price.


                                    zenoth & other TA players
                                    in which cases, if there are any at all, do you go for treads over phase nowadays? I just don't see how treads can be better


                                      it should be when you're not being ninja or chasin but duking it out continously ^


                                        I just feel she benefits from mobility a lot more than the average hero, that's why usually MS items are preferred (phase drums yasha [manta/sny])

                                        Howard Donald

                                          I'll pick up treads if I think it's very likely I'll be getting a blink, going safelane, or maybe picking up a midas and coming online later in the game.

                                          Otherwise phase.


                                            I go treads when im going for blink , with blink i dont go for drums so treads gives u the stats u need , str to tank a bit and attack speed while dagger gives u the mobility , and treads switching helps ta alot with her mana problems , the new dagger change on ta makes this build really good on her , so i go treads with blink , and phase with drums yasha build .

                                            harvard graduate

                                              I think Phase Drums Yasha is probably the safest TA build right now and it is going to win you most games. I like drums because the build-up is actually really nice (the bracer can easily safe you on from ganking supports) and you are tanky even though you went phase instead of treads. You can also abuse drums in combination with bottle since you can always drop them and get more HP / Mana out of it. They also let you secure early kills with your team which can make a game since TA can snowball so incredibly hard from just 1 or 2 early kills.
                                              When you are stomping however you can either replace the Drums with a Midas when you know that the game is gonna go late anyway (Naga Games...) but usually Yasha into faster Desolator does the job.
                                              BKB is almost always needed as slows make TA so incredibly sad.

                                              Anything beyond Deso and BKB is almost completely situational, some legit items are: Daedalus, MKB, Butterfly, Assault Cuirass, Linken Sphere, Scythe of Vyse, Abyssal blade (these two are underrated as fuck), Manta and SnY.

                                              In games where you are the hardest carry or your strat of ending early doesnt work you should skip Deso and go straight Crit. That opens up endgame options like Satanic as well.

                                              New Blink seems super strong for splitpushing and stuff but I still do not like it at all as people will get DoT - stuff against you anyway (at least an urn) so you lost half of blinks use.


                                                i go treads when i'm safe lane and relying on switching for mana sustain combined with RoA, or when I'm mid and my safe lane is a utility core (treads lets you farm faster early, but makes you marginally worse at skirmishes/kills)

                                                personally i don't like midas on TA, honestly if you're doing well and want to go greedy just rush a deso - a lane where you can get an early midas is a lane where you can get deso in 12 minutes, and deso arguably does as much good for farming as midas while being much more useful for fights.

                                                კომენტარი შეიცვალა


                                                  კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                                    Don't forget Linken's Spheare. Sometimes works very well...

                                                    I do this:

                                                    3 branches -> Bottle
                                                    Wand -> Boots
                                                    Phase or Blink

                                                    DESO / BKB / LINKEN

                                                    Manta... and game over usually

                                                    Monkey, Daedalus...