General Discussion

General DiscussionMute System

Mute System in General Discussion

    Honestly, i am here to rant about how stupid the mute system is. I have been muted for a fucking week (168) hours and it drives me crazy how Valve implements a mute system to a game that REQUIRES team communication. I mean seriously, how the hell do i tell my teammates, they smoked ? The wheel chat only says and does so much, i am honestly fed up with this mute system. I just don't understand how valve doesn't see the flaw in this system. Please tell me i'm not the only one. I mean there's an ingame mute system for each individual person, isn't that just enough? Isn't that in itself enough to just ignore someone who talks shit? Yes i know, i do shit on scrubs but still, i hate this mute system with all my guts


      while we're at it, the report system allows you to easily abuse it in order to get anyone you want a good super-long low prio. have you lost a game because one of enemy players is a rat? report him for intentional suiciding or abusing skills. Have you lost game because your carry - in your eyes - threw the game? report him for intentional suiciding or abusing skills even though he tried his best.

      Did your Invoker get ganked by enemy team 5 teams in the first 10 minutes of the game and is currently lvl 6 at 0kills 5 deaths at 10 minute mark, while you are jungling with your Doombringer? REPORT THAT IDIOT, its obviously his fault that nobody helps him.


      And when people flame, sure, I do that too sometimes. I admit I flame a lot if i get really mad. However I work on myself, trying to use chat as little as possible. However people no longer report you for what you did. You won't get reported for "abusing communication".

      Nope. You will get reported for "intentional suicides" or "abusing skills", and go to low priority pool because NOBODY checks the report system. The "reason" box does not matter at all. If you actually want to punish a player for whatever he did, even if its not true, just report him for abusing skills. Easiest report of your life! chances are he will get 1 or 2 more such reports within 2 days and gets low prio! Yay!

      Dear dryad, get real. You will not achieve anything by ranting on Dotabuff forums, nobody can help you here just like nobody can help you even if you send 100 Steam support tickets. They even have automatic bot to answer for any questions regarding report system in DOTA 2: they send you automatic answer "Sorry, we are not supposed to change anything regarding the penalty system in DOTA 2"

      Are you alone who thinks that this system is shit? No, of course not. Why the hell is there a "reason" box if nobody ever checks it since its automatic, system just checks if you get reported 2 or 3 times within 2 days and puts you in low prio for X+2 low prio games where X is how many games it was last time. I'm currently in 13 low prio games for winning a few ranked matches.

      During last 7 days i have received 9+11+13 low prio games, resulting in total of 33 low prio matches. I have 4 left. I also played around 15 ranked matches during last 7 days. How does this make sense? I won majority of these ranked matches, too! Rofl


      we all have to simply accept what Valve presents in terms of community support and keep playing this game on current terms, or change the game to something else. that's it.

      კომენტარი შეიცვალა

        the report system is fucked up but they won't change it. This is because the majority of fucktards that wanted it are from the 3k range and they are like 10x more than the rest of the players


          What have you done to become muted? I never had penalties of any kind so far, I really don't know.


            I always mute my chat, communication is overrated.

            whiskey waters

              you're not the only one who thinks this system is counterproductive and totally bullshit, everyone knows it.

              i love u butt

                i agree its hard to communicate when muted, i was muted last week for the first time in since dota 2's release and dear god it was hard to warn my allys anything or even tell them what lane i was. But on the bright side, wheel chat is fun.

                >new meta
                >new meta
                >i immediately regret my decision

                კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                  you guys are probably toxic and just don't realize it
                  I never got muted, NOT EVEN ONCE. most of my friends are never muted as well.

                  whiskey waters

                    toxic ? for the oppo team yea
                    everytime i rape mongols they report me, i dont get muted tho so its fine.


                      that's interesting, I just did this and didn't get reported or muted

                      perhaps it's because I don't trashtalk in all chat? no idea really

                      NextStep ®

                        Stop being an asshole in-game and you won't get muted.


                          i mean if you get muted it means your communication actually ishurting the team so...

                          u dont get muted or reported for saying "they smoked"

                          კომენტარი შეიცვალა
                          whiskey waters

                            i guess in ur 3k trench bracket ppl dont get mad when they get outplayed cuz they dont get outplayed in the first place :)


                              not sure who ur talking to but im 5k


                                Im 5500, check my "latest matches", every single "Normal all pick" game is low prio. 35~~ low prio games, 15 ranked games within last week... And if you go to scenarios, and choose "ranked lobby" only, then you will find out i won 70% of my ranked games.



                                  The intentional feeding and ability abuse report options are okay, the communication one is fucking stupid. You can mute people ingame why bother having a fucking com ban.


                                    if that was for me, I'm 5.3k

                                    Luxalpa, Tail of Devastation


                                      You won't get muted if you have never been. It doesn't matter how toxic you are, you need to be flagged as "this player has been muted" else it will be extremely hard to get punished. Source: I am playing on 4 different accounts and only one account constantly gets punished, while the others never do (not even once).

                                      Quick maffs

                                        I dont see the problems about getting muted anyway