General Discussion

General DiscussionWhen to get BKB on Void?

When to get BKB on Void? in General Discussion

    I know that its situational, but when you do need it when should you get it? I usually head for Power Treads>Mask of Madness>Maelstrom>Mjolnir>BKB Should I get BKB after Maelstrom? Or right after Mask of Madness, or after Mjolnir. I can search this, though I want multiple opinions.


      when theres like euls on supports or long range disables which will cock block ur ulti


        when you need to be able to fight outside of your chrono

        i love u butt

          u dont get it based on your item progression, u get it based on the ENEMY's level/item progression

          can they cc you in chrono? Can u dodge them well? if its a yes and no, get it.

          Dire Wolf

            Nothing worse than getting multi casted and dying during chrono or aa dropping cold feet on you or bane enfeeble. In those cases I'd go bkb after one or two items like mask, maelstrom or crystalis then bkb.

            Tokyo Lift

              when they have nukes or disables that will fuck with you, especially during chrono.

              whiskey waters

                u get bkb when u cant hit ur preys in chrono


                  You'll get bkb when you feel like you need it.

                  It's all about feeling and connecting with Faceless Void.

                  Sometimes you won't get BKB even against Mirana if you have good team, but sometimes BKB can be crucial item for you.

                  So long story short, getting BKB on Faceless Void is Good only if you can use it effectivly.

                  Some bacis stuff that apply if you're not sure or you can't be sure becauseof teammates:

                  Get BKB if you're dealing with Tidehunter, Mirana, Pudge(he can hook you/ult you even though BKB, however no DMG means a lot actually), Beast Master/Bane and/or Lina with ags QoP with Ags..


                    "Get BKB if you're dealing with Tidehunter, Mirana, Pudge(he can hook you/ult you even though BKB, however no DMG means a lot actually), Beast Master/Bane and/or Lina with ags QoP with Ags.."



                      What? :P


                        you get bkb when u got enemies that can interrupt u during ur chrono.. like invoker , sky , pugna and stuns in general

                        the thing mokujin mentioned is gut cause pudge can hook / ulty u during bkb u get no damage but this disables u and ur in danger. also mag ulty.. in this situations u must focus the biggest problem on ur enemy team and take him down so he wont ruin the upcoming teamfight for you and ur mates


                          Well void can tank up tons of physical dmg. I see no problem tanking 3-4 sec of pudge's disable and some of auto attacks.


                            Thanks for the responses, but one last thing. If I do need BKB do I get it after Maelstrom on Mjolnir?

                            კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                              After maelstorm. Upgrading maelstorm is only option if you already got up your daedalus and you don't need your BKB.

                              Void already got tons of attack speed from maelstorm/treads/madness. Upgrading maelstorm is good if you don't go madness, however, I still belive:

                              Madness/PT/Maelstorm/BKB/Daedalus is better then:


                              But I guess both are fine. Just get BKB online at least in 20 to 25 min mark, so you can be usefull in big team fights in mid game..

                              But as I said, it all depends on the game.

                              For your skill bracket maybe getting BKB can be crucial for winning the game, so if you don't want to take chances, if you feel unsure, just get it.

                              It gives you decent DMG/HP aswell

                              კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                I have arrived to this thread to state that pudge hook is pure damage and goes through bkb thank you.

                                THICC BABY SHUM

                                  ^ dsnt go through back track, ty no go back where you came from XD jk

                                  Dire Wolf

                                    "Beast Master/Bane and/or Lina with ags QoP with Ags.."

                                    That doesn't make sense either considering bm ult goes through, bane ult goes through (though stopping enfeeble is good and lina ult goes through and I think new qop with aghs goes through. I would say this guy is trolling but it is quite good vs mirana and tide...


                                      Oh, I forgot about that.

                                      Thanks for that!


                                        Start by not picking void and then uninstal ur dota because ur a void picker.

                                        THICC BABY SHUM

                                          59 game - VOID PICKER UNINSTALL DOTA AWW LMAO


                                            I messed up, I see now.

                                            It's all pure dmg for like 2 months and I forgot it, so it goes trough BKB.

                                            My bad guys, sry.

                                            Back when some of spells I mentionted was magical, it was useful getting BKB against Lina/QOP/Pudge.

                                            Now they all deal pure dmg, or almost all.

                                            My bad guys, sry! I was not troling, I was just bad informed. Sorry!

                                            კომენტარი შეიცვალა
                                            THICC BABY SHUM

                                              still dont take dmg from pudge ult or rot so was half right.

                                              Dire Wolf

                                                uh you're still off there though, not all pure dmg goes through bkb. Spell piercing (ability to go through bkb) is done on a per spell basis. For example, tinker's laser is pure so it does full dmg regardless of magic resistance but it does not go through bkb. Pudge's hook is really weird cus it does dmg and grabs them but doesn't disable them. I'm pretty sure qop's ult doesn't go through bkb but it is pure dmg now.

                                                Pom Pom 🍕

                                                  Qop ult was changed to "affect spell immune" this patch.


                                                    Qop's ult actually does go through BKB since this patch came out, but they lower actual DMG output.

                                                    Yes, there's spell pierecing ability which I forgot, but I still don't get something:

                                                    1. Does Bane's ult do DMG now since it's pure and goes trough BKB? He was able to disable you anyway from like Dota 1 (ages ago), however, dmg wasn't taken if you got your BKB.

                                                    The same was with Beast Master, Magnus...

                                                    YNI, yeah, pudge ult and rot are magical dmg, so it does help when you have BKB as Void and he actually can't harm you, while with scepter he can deal fair amount of dmg to any carry if that carry does not have BKB.

                                                    However, I forgot about hook. I think hook was pure from the start, however, I'm not sure does hook actually just grabs enemy heroes next to the Butcher, or enemy also gets the pure dmg from the hook?

                                                    So far, what I learned about pure dmg:

                                                    It does not care about armor. It goes trough BKB if it has pircing ability.

                                                    However, as Timer already said. Hook goes trough BKB, but I think it DOES-not deal dmg when u Activate bkb. (but I might be wrong on this..)

                                                    Anyway, I learned something new, so thanks folks for clearing this up for me.


                                                      pudge is actually the best hero vs void

                                                      Dire Wolf

                                                        yes banes ult kills you in bkb. he's quite amazing. beast stuns you not sure about dmg. magnus i think disables but no dmg. unfortunately nothing in dota is consistent so you have to lookup every spell. the in game lookup is pretty good though on library tab.


                                                          Well, almost every ult goes trough bkb, since dota 1 came out.

                                                          Question is, do Magnus and Rexxar just stuns you or have pierecing ability aswell.

                                                          Back when I played Dota 1, they would just stun you with their ults.

                                                          Since resent changes, I'm not sure anymore.

                                                          Dire Wolf

                                                            That's not really true, about half ults do, half don't. And of those that do they all do for different reasons. Like razor, witch dr and death prophets deal physical dmg so that's why they aren't blocked. Others like bane's deal magic dmg but spell pierce. And then there's tons that don't go through like snipers ult, earthshakers, tidehunters etc. It's all just on a per spell basis and you have to look them up in game. Dota wiki is pretty good too but doesn't always have the info.

                                                              კომენტარი წაშალა მოდერატორმა
                                                              Dire Wolf

                                                                Never considered an orb of venom... weird. Aquila though? Does void really need the regen?

                                                                And you should be a fan of crit. Daedulus is more single target dmg during chrono than mjollnir. I just like getting maelstrom first because it helps farm more and is still good during fights as well.

                                                                THICC BABY SHUM

                                                                  are u guys rlly still talking about this? u buy bkb when enemy can stun u in the chrono EZY done...

                                                                  lm ao

                                                                    lol devs mokujin still played when this thread was up

                                                                    კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                                                      BKB doesnt actually dispell enfeeble if i remember correctly and it wasnt changed. he just cant cast it onto you while you are BKBed. however u can attack defensivly slept targets with BKB without being slept yourself so it still makes some sense to get bkb vs bane. on the other hand he can just fiendsgrip u under chrono and if your team is short on stuns it might never get cancelled.

                                                                      BKB is always your last resort kinda option. You dont want to go for it to early nor to late. You go for it when
                                                                      -u run a pushingstrat and u want to go HG by 20-25 min
                                                                      -u are severly behind (vs magic dmg enemy)
                                                                      -u get chainstunned to death so u cant get off your timewalk to regen (in even game)
                                                                      -u r in an even game and the next teamfight-win will result in a line of rax or at least multiple forced BBs
                                                                      -the game goes really late (and say SoV on cores and Euls on supps are to big of a deal)


                                                                        I was wondering why I was seeing al these old build suggestions for void but then saw this was another necro thread .

                                                                        Mao Xina

                                                                          Now void is played as offlaner in pro games and high mmr games. Only he is played as carry and use ur shitty item build in low mmr games.


                                                                            He is still played as a carry waga style .


                                                                              Saw notail playing him as a dps carry still in the Manila major but I don't like him as dps carry now days I prefer him waga style .


                                                                                today void get madness?