General Discussion

General DiscussionAfter 15 Solo Rank wins, I'm finally "Defeated"

After 15 Solo Rank wins, I'm finally "Defeated" in General Discussion

    15 Solo rank games of playing phoenix or someone else for a change, I was "Defeated" by a team "worthy" of beating me.

    But as I've said before, if I lose, I learn something.

    It has come to my attention that in every skill level of the game, there will always be the screw ups that are waiting to ruin someone's game. In fact, because of the screw ups people made in my defeat, it made my theory about my skill, and people who's skill are inferior, come to light.

    Here's the game that I'm talking about:

    Game was in the bag from the getgo, but me still being muted had a lot of downsides this match. Yes, 16 games muted, and my record is 15/1 so far. I can communicate fine with the binds I've set up for people to understand me, and I can set up clear messages to them.

    You can look at the difference in XP gained map and it will tell you what went wrong. Someone was throwing. For the sake of keeping things clear, it wasn't me. No, it was the DK who randomed it, and convinced everyone else to kick me out of mid, so he can go feed TA, and not do successful ganks. Also, with him mid, that meant we could have jungle jug.

    Well I will admit that I made some screws up in this match, it wasn't like I would care. At this point, I WANTED to LOSE. Victory is bitter sweet if you have too much of it. Yes, it boosted me out of High Skill, and into Very High Skill. The fact of the matter being is that I was sick of winning, on the verge of quitting.

    As with that statement, I've come to the conclusion. If you are not stacking with a team, regardless of the skill level, trust no one other than yourself to win the game. I've won 15 in a row because I didn't know it till now, that I wasn't trusting anyone to carry for me. I carry myself, and ONLY myself in these game. I had the instinct that Jug and Sven will farm up to win us the game, but I was sorely mistaken. Whether or not it be a 2k game, or a 6k game, this rule should be internal. To truly climb up to the higher games, you are the one man team. You have to play like a one man team, and you should take extra caution that you don't take anyone on this trip. Brave but smart, deadly but cleaver. I got that far because I trusted no one on my team to do ANYTHING, except buy wards, and get the courier. If they prove their incomptence, I will buy the courier and upgrade it. I will buy wards and scout out roshan.

    And that's how you, truely, get out of 1-3k

    TL;DR Read it, there is no sense of a TL;DR if you are that incompetent.

    BSJ. LGD

      thanks for great advice! :D


        noted... trying to get from 1.8 k mmr to 3 k mmr. that is now my goal.


          "At this point, I WANTED to LOSE. Victory is bitter sweet if you have too much of it"

          U got no other problems do you? :)


            Though I agree with the "1 man team". This is the way through 3k I guess

            i love u butt

              wanted to lose - best excuse 2015

              first very high skilled game for phoenix = loss


                @Butt, trust me. With all the crappy wins that I got, I wanted to lose badly. Was on the verge of insanity.


                  lol i see

                    კომენტარი წაშალა მოდერატორმა


                      check this thread. specifically my graph! i already pointed out the boundaries of solo playing :)

                        კომენტარი წაშალა მოდერატორმა

                          "regardless of the skill level, trust no one other than yourself to win the game"
                          couldnt agree more ,
                          in dota and real life both true


                            Realized the fact that I had to carry myself too after losing 250mmr and brought myself back to where I started. Also had a game yesterday where mid drow fed to pudge and I went full rat mode to win game.