General Discussion

General DiscussionNeed some advice on buybacks

Need some advice on buybacks in General Discussion

    I really hate to buyback dunno why but i seem to make buybacks that are almost never worth it in the end. Can you guys tell me when is it a good time to buyback and not end up blowing ~1-1.5k gold for nothing


      buyback when u can get back in fight and change the outcome of it

      or when u can save some of the objectives aka tier3 towers or raxes

      sometimes buyback is good for intimidating factor to keep enemies back and win time to defend too


        What about early buybacks like for tier1 or 2 towers or just early fights? I just think it's not worth it even if i could probably get a kill or two from the whole thing


          buy back and die again :D


            early fight buybacks good if enemy team diving ur towers and u can save someone or get kill back usualy that costs 100-500 gold and pays for itself if u can get kill or couple assists

            saving tier 1 or 2 with buybacks is definetly not worth it unless u got alot of hardcarries in team and u need to make space for them to farm while u defend (99.9% not worth)


              early game buybacks only if you guaranteed can get a kill or two, to actually pay off for the buyback. this happens rarely.
              but you should not buyback to save t1, 100% not worth it.
              late game - buyback to save rax, t3, stop end game push, buyback if your team can't fight without you, buyback to scare the enemy.
              but after buyback you have to play safe cuz if you die, especially late game, you can stay dead for 100+ seconds and if you are the carry or the main dps, you pretty much lost the game.

              and by the way 1 good buyback can turn around a fight near you rax, 0 to 3 can turn to 5 to 3.


                Buyback when you... oh shit, reaper's scythe, my bad