General Discussion

General DiscussionWhy is there a lot of fighting in doto?

Why is there a lot of fighting in doto? in General Discussion
Bad Intentions

    Both within the team and the other team? Is there a gentleman style doto?

    Sup m8

      Cm is generally quite polite and mature, at least at some mmr's.


        cm 5k+ = no talks just pings

        Linda | DotaExchange

          It is in ourselves, that we defend our self when someone threatens us ( no matter where, how, what etc ). It is simple defense mechanism, which evolved for a thousands of years.


            How can a guy with bad intentions ask something like that? :)

            Jay Ashborne



                eh because its clearly allways my teams fault for losing and not me daah and other team is just lucky i have bad team


                  its all about killing the other ones and taking the throne. but sometimes, more often than not, usually every game your teammates are the ones preventing you from winning.


                    To be honest high ranks aren't any better, at least in my experience. Maybe slightly but flaming and whatnot is just a part of the dota community now a days, especially in NA. I think thats the worst community i've ever experienced.

                    My thoughts on NA and its reasons of being like that is because there are no language barriers so everyone is VoiPing much more, and more comfortable to talk in general.


                      this is team.


                        ^^try playing 1 match in SEA. You merely adopted the flaming. I was born in it.


                          People are assholes.

                          On internet you're semi-anonymous, so you flame even more.

                          I try my best not to, but I have my moments.


                            I feel it's the players' ugly nature/personality behind anonymity surfacing ---- basically being an asshole because you can do it with no consequences.

                            Opponents calling your team shit and taunting you?
                            These guys are just childish. It's just a game, they make it sound like they won TI game for US$10m prize pool when it's a pub game where people are clowning around with a dagon SA.
                            Just ignore them lol. If you can't afford to lose in a game, you probably shouldn't even be playing it.

                            You're making your team lose their advantage in the game because you're not playing well? (eg. getting caught out alone too many times, individual player skills lacking)
                            Just think about how you can improve your game and take advice from players who are better than you in your team.
                            If they're flaming you, just talk nicely to them and tell them that you'll try harder and ask them what you can do to play better.

                            Losing because your teammates are bad? Flaming is not going to solve the problem, calm down and try to give advice on what the teammates could have done better.

                            The problem comes when these teammates are arrogant, rude and stuck-up (most of the time they're actually pretty bad players -------- at least for SEA matchmaking region, where the trashiest players are usually the rudest/whiniest players).

                            I don't mean to be racist, but these toxic players are especially prominent when you get matched with players from "certain countries" within SEA matchmaking region.

                            Trademarks of these players:
                            - It is never their fault when the game is lost.
                            - It is your fault when they feed stupid kills (eg. whole map is missing and you have wards up, opponents are likely smoked and this guy still pushes out alone to farm in clear visibility when asked to stick with us).
                            - Mid or feed (but they mid and feed ..)
                            - Buys stupid items on their heroes and blame you for losing (eg. first core item pipe of insight on a PA)
                            - Jacks courier without notifying teammates every time
                            - Picks support hero, refuse to buy wards or couriers. Competes with carry for farm in the same lane instead of zoning out enemies. Blames you for not carrying the game.
                            - Sees teammate 150 gold away from crucial item (eg. blink dagger for earthshaker, bkb for carries etc), will never let you have that 2-3 creeps no matter what, even when you ask nicely
                            - Support hits ranged creep under tower once to help setup last hit for carry, gets flamed for "stealing creeps"

                            Conclusion: Fighting in SEA = usually because of players from "certain countries" who tend to have toxic attitudes (but not the individual hero skill to justify it ------ if you can carry the game 1v5 with your meepo I would gladly let you trash talk me the entire game no issues)

                            Need advanced region filter within SEA, I'm sick of getting matched with "certain countries' players".
                            English language filter is rubbish, you will get people who don't understand english all the time.

                            I don't have any qualms with players who play poorly, I have an issue with those players with toxic attitude who do/talk shit but don't have the gameplay skills to compensate for it.

                            კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                              I haven't had a problem with SEA since coming back to Dota this month.

                              Set language preference > Chinese > Problem solved.

                              Then if you ever meet players who mock you here, just give a false agreement to whatever they say and they'll stop bothering you. Or just say sorry when they scold you. They won't flame you afterwards. They'll even give you 'advice'.

                              And honestly, if it's my opponent that's doing the flaming, I don't mind. I just

                              a) try and turn his team against him/her
                              b) counter his flame with logic and call him an uneducated (insert more flame here), then stop replying.

                              It usually makes them play worse.

                              And if I don't meet any flamers in game, then that's good. All I say in all chat is GLHF and GGWP.


                                there should be a no language option where everyone has to communicate by pings which are throttled at 2 per sec...

                                Bad Intentions

                                  @keisuke89 please tell me more about these "certain countries" :]

                                  Dune, the Desert Planet

                                    Having "my bad" on chat wheel helps. Trust me.