General Discussion

General DiscussionHow to pick better

How to pick better in General Discussion

    hello guys i just want to learn how to pick/ban better, how to plan out strategies, and how to execute them. in addition to that i want to know what 'OP' hero counters another hero, what are common strategies out there, how to counter an enemy picks, etc.
    in other words i want to know how to be a better captain in captains mode


      watch tournament games and copy what you see there. most common strategies farming/aggro tri, 1-1-2 + jungle, rat picks or some dual mid.

      if you dont know what hero counters another hero, play ap.

      my favourite aggro tri: bristle-veno-undi or 2 stuns+ viper or 3 stuns
      farming tri: do you really need example for this?
      dual mid: wisp+ tiny?


        actually i did some io + tiny and io +ck back then, and i had like 80% winrate (against scrubs and noobs like me ofcourse)
        and i almost always do farming tri (i love killing creeps)
        and i never tried aggro tri.

        ty for advice

          კომენტარი წაშალა მოდერატორმა

            you can also look for roamers. venge, sky, es, mirana, ogre. pretty much anything with stun/slow.

            banning is also important. dp,brew,doom,silencer,void, razor are the basic bans, and the rest are situational. see what role will be picked and ban that.
            for example you see enemy team needs an offlane. ban cent/tide. if you got some str heroes, ban timber. if you go for farming tri ban ds and so on. if they need a mid, ban invo, puck.
            you can also check their profiles and see what heroes they play.

            just play cm, and you will get it in 50 games max.


              just pick strong laning/eraly game heros that can aggro tri. most teams have no idea how to deal with aggro trilanes because they pick shit like omni, void, disruptor, etc for their safelane. so aggro tri destroys this. also its the best way to punish positioning, which is lacking in most pub games.

              if you are building around a hero make sure to ban its weaknesses. for ex if u want TB u ban zeus/ogre

              კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                Ban heroes you don't want to deal with in first phase. Pick heroes that don't really have a great counter too (or copy what pros usually pick in games). Second Phase, ban heroes that may counter your gameplan or ban heroes you think enemy team will pick. 2nd pick phase, if you already have your carry or supports picked, try to establish your picks to ensure your lane. Last pick and ban phase is entirely dependant on how the draft went so far, what do I think enemy team will pick, should I ban a potential offlaner or mid that they haven't picked yet? etc. Last pick, for me personally, I like to hold out my mid pick for last, sometimes disguising my mid with carry (since farming mids are a thing now I guess). Well, there you go. That's how I usually/generally do mines ;D I'm only 3k so my advice may not be the best.


                  RANDOM IS THR ANSWER


                    vaikiss tell bakardi i thank him for carry


                      tell bakardi to suck my dick




                          Tyyy guys!