General Discussion

General DiscussionThis is the reason why OD players end up in Low Priority more frequen...

This is the reason why OD players end up in Low Priority more frequently than others in General Discussion
Luxalpa, Tail of Devastation

    Since the criteria for punishments have been released ( ) you can see there that using AI on allies and getting reported in the same game will have an increased chance on triggering the punishment. So, in other words, in order to prevent punishment if you're playing OD, you are not allowed to cast your Astral Imprisonment on allied heroes ever.

    Keep that in mind when you play OD for the next time or you will end up in Low Priority like the other people who play him.



        youre probably reported for other reasons

        ham strokers ejacula

          Or maybe casting it on them in a way that kills them is what gets the report not exactly the action in itself.

          or maybe something to do with this...

          dunno I haven't heard of any other OD players having this issue.

          კომენტარი შეიცვალა


            Bot Tyrone

              Nobody likes you on here. Nobody likes you on PD, or on reddit. Sure, it's the hero, not you.


                lol everytime i played against u i reported u only cuz ur spamming same hero

                fucking hate autistic frags


                  Lol give him a break something obviously really wrong with him. But ya id report him too just for fun

                  Luxalpa, Tail of Devastation

                    @Havoc, you're being an idiot on that one. Out of those last 13 matches, at least 5 got completely destroyed by trolls (Abandons, intentional feeders and ability abusers) where there was clearly no possible way to win them.

                    Furthermore, I didn't cast any Astral to kill them and I still got put into low priority. It doesn't matter anyway, of course when I try to save people with astral, they won't survive the clash in 100% of all cases (mostly because I astral them when they are pretty low), so it won't change anything anyway.

                    "dunno I haven't heard of any other OD players having this issue."

                    I myself know 3 guys who had the exact same issue, 2 of them never were punished before and just coincidentally got punished after they lost a game with OD. The other one is Benao, I don't know, he seems to be in Low Priority often anyway so might just be coincidence.
                    I also heard some people whining in the forum about getting report abused after they played a game with OD. Since OD is usually a very rare pick, I find it very noticable that so many players actually have such an experience playing this hero.

                    L > BLACK MAGE PARTY

                      I don't see why there is so much hate on a person for spamming a hero , it's their way to play.

                      And before you try to flame me, I know I'm a PA picker

                      ham strokers ejacula

                        Sounds like your simply validating a reason for being put in low priority instead of, you know, behaving and not being a poor player. You're not being punished for playing OD your being punished cause there are loads of dicks in the game who report you for no reason. Just don't fuck up.

                        Also lemmy why doesn't a pro team just pick the same 5 heroes every game? Cause your go to hero may not always be viable and you need to find something else that suits the scenario otherwise you will end up with...well 49% winrate on a 4k game hero.

                        Bot Tyrone

                          Spamming one hero is not why this guy gets the hate that he gets. Being totally honest lemmy, I'm not surprised that you weren't able to see that.

                          The Ice Truck Killer

                            I had an OD follow me around imprison me every time it was off cd - spent like 20% of game imprisoned, the other 30% respawning


                              Actually, people hate Smaug for more than just spamming OD.

                              L > BLACK MAGE PARTY

                                I get the fact regarding pro teams, but that is competitive , there is more at stake there so they can't afford to have unfavorable matchups.

                                However this is just pubs, if someone picks a hero despite them being counterpicked, that's on them. The only issue I see is with that costing the game for 4 other people, but that alone doesn't justify all the hate.

                                I honestly haven't seen him do much to deserve hate, but I don't read through every post he makes.

                                @Bot Tyrone : Says the guy who has a smurf account with Slark taking 11% of all your games, that's 1 hero taking up more than 10 % of all your games.

                                Instead of sounding like a dick, maybe explain yourself, or keep your opinion to yourself?

                                Luxalpa, Tail of Devastation


                                  Hating people is just so childish. When will you grow up?

                                  And @Havoc
                                  "Sounds like your simply validating a reason for being put in low priority instead of, you know, behaving and not being a poor player. You're not being punished for playing OD your being punished cause there are loads of dicks in the game who report you for no reason. Just don't fuck up."

                                  There is no way to "not fuck up". I'm recording and reviewing every single death I made within the last week, it extremely increased my skill. But I'm not "validating reasons for being put in low priority". If you were seeing my games, you would 100% come to the same conclusion that my Low Priority is completely unjustified. Nobody has ever been able to find out what I should have made different. I am getting into low priority because people blame me for not following the item build they are using. I don't abuse my team mates, so it is impossible that I got low priority for other reasons.

                                  I'm pretty open minded, if you can find a reason why I should be in low priority based on my recent 5 or 10 games, go tell me please so that I can see there is still hope for me to play this game. But currently, I don't see how I am able to play dota.

                                  კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                    He's right though, people don't hate Smaug out of spamming OD alone. Besides, even on a smurf, 11% hardly compares to OD occuping a whopping 62% of Smaug's games. Specially considering he has more than 5000 matches.

                                    That's beside the point though.

                                    Edit: @Smaug

                                    For the record, I don't hate you any more or less than I hate a person from the Internet who I haven't actually met in real life, take that as you will.

                                    კომენტარი შეიცვალა
                                    The Ice Truck Killer

                                      They hate Smaug because he's very high up on the DB leaderboards for OD and they're jealous they can't achieve the same. They feel like their higher KD/WR/MMR makes them more deserving of an achievement like that which makes them more salty. They also hate the fact he writes better prose and can debate at far more competent level. I'm sure there are some here who hate him solely due to the fact he argues back - and of course, some hate him because he spams one hero to get good at it.

                                      Luxalpa, Tail of Devastation

                                        I don't get why someone's hero choice allows the guy to get hated for his lifetime. Imagine your friends would tell you they would hate you and unfriend you if you played dota once more.

                                        I don't think it should be your business what other people are having fun with.

                                        "They hate Smaug because he's very high up on the DB leaderboards for OD and they're jealous they can't achieve the same. "

                                        I don't think this is actually true, I have many friends who are on the leaderboards, including people who are high up on the OD leaderboards and they like me, they don't hate me.

                                        კომენტარი შეიცვალა
                                        The Ice Truck Killer

                                          They might make the top 100 but they're nowhere near top 10


                                            Omg OD spammer rapported.


                                              ^but man maybe someone just genuinely enjoys playing a hero, whose anyone to say he cant

                                              Bot Tyrone

                                                People have hated him long before dota buff even existed


                                                  i played vs this guy, actually did ok in laning phase but then sucked dick X)

                                                  Luxalpa, Tail of Devastation

                                                    I wonder, how does one manage to play Captains Mode in Solo queue but still always get the hero you want?


                                                      cuz he is captain?^^

                                                      Bot Tyrone

                                                        By not being shit at the hero? By not being a stubborn/arrogant shithead?

                                                        კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                                          i played 4 games with od, trying to win every time with minimal errors, won half cause ruin etc. got 16 lp games.

                                                          anyway i think ill stop spamming pings to fucking retards and just let them die and feed to avoid getting mass 16 lp games after less than a week every fucking time


                                                            ^ That's the real reason you are getting LP games. People don't really care when you call them fucking retards but the pinging noise is annoying. Just flame to your hearts content but no pinging :)

                                                            NextStep ®

                                                              Smaug, are you a good dota player?


                                                                didnt work though, no ping, anything but 16 lp games GG. 5th time already this month

                                                                  კომენტარი წაშალა მოდერატორმა

                                                                    you don't get it! I GET FLAMED AT, RUINED GAMES FOR NOTHING AND SENT TO LP. i am muted 90% of the time and i barely even talk when unmuted

                                                                    Luxalpa, Tail of Devastation

                                                                      ^ Yes, this is the same issue I have. I have been able to massively increase my winrate, but you won't see it at my match history (except maybe in form of my recent KDA) because whenever I buy Blink Dagger my allies stop playing seriously and start to troll around, blame me for everything, etc.

                                                                      These are the games that got ruined by AFKers, Leavers or abusers:

                                                                      I mean, this is fucking insane.

                                                                      კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                                                        whats wrong with blink dagger

                                                                        Luxalpa, Tail of Devastation

                                                                          ^ It's not in the list of suggested items.

                                                                          harvard graduate

                                                                            well according to that, ShadowDemon players also should be in LP more often

                                                                            Luxalpa, Tail of Devastation

                                                                              ^ Maybe, but there are no players who spam Shadow Demon. And a support is less likely to be reported than a mid.

                                                                              კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                                                                idk whats wrong with report system now, but i spam reports nearly every game, sometimes i report 3 people on the same game.
                                                                                next day i receive multiple messages from volvo that the person has been punished and i get more reports.
                                                                                btw, to avoid being muted and low priority, don't talk in chat.
                                                                                maybe only suggest pick "you could pick tidehunter if you want" etc., but don't force anyone to do what you want cuz i report fa gs for that.
                                                                                also dont spam pings.

                                                                                კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                                                                  im reporting left and right just out of spite sometimes... i mean who doesnt get angry being muted 6 days a week (avg) and getting 16 lp games in 20 days

                                                                                  Luxalpa, Tail of Devastation

                                                                                    I can't even talk to allies because I have been muted for the last 48 hours still I got low priority.

                                                                                    And yes, the system collapsed already, I get 10~30 new reports to use per day.
                                                                                    I've read that even slahser got low priority already today, so the system is pretty much at the point where it was almost a year ago - but instead of everyone being muted, it will be everyone will be put into low priority this time. Also I got 15 games low prio because the system was bugged at one point, so it skipped the 3, 5 and 7 step and started right at 9 (iirc). Valve made an update admitting that it's a bug and resetted everyone's low priority, but since I haven't been in low priority at that time (I played through all 9 matches before they resetted it) it just continued for me with 11 games the next time someone complained about my Blink Dagger.

                                                                                    კომენტარი შეიცვალა
                                                                                    We Love You Akuzuma Oppa!

                                                                                      Something must be wrong with the report system or something. For like the last past 10-15 games I been talking shit to my team and the enemy each game and haven't been put in low yet.