General Discussion

General DiscussionBug with scaling on KDA Trends graph?

Bug with scaling on KDA Trends graph? in General Discussion

    I notice the KDA ratio for my heros on the overview and rankings pages does not match the KDA ratio reported on the trends graph points. Also, the axis scaling doesn't seem to be right.

    On the overview and ranking page my KDA as Lina is currently 2.03 (its almost always been between 1.9 and 2.1), whereas on the trends graph points/axis scaling it says my KDA ratio is currently 3.32 (and has always been 3.1 and just over 3.5).

    Maybe I am reading it wrong, but I don't think I am. I just wondered if you were aware of it and if it is on a bug list somewhere waiting to be fixed.



    თემა შეიცვალა
      კომენტარი წაიშალა

        We all have to start somewhere. Mine is a legitimate question to help fix a problem with something I pay a subscription for. Who rattled your cage? Kindly troll elsewhere.

        კომენტარი შეიცვალა

          You do realize you're trying to argue with a Sniper spamming VHS account.

          VHS = dick (80% time on this forum)

          კომენტარი შეიცვალა

            Right, they say...internet arguments and all that xD

            I like the extra stuff you get from DotaBuff Permium and yeah I know I'm a noob as I only play support but still...would be good to get these minor things sorted.

            L > BLACK MAGE PARTY

              Games need supports to win. Good support early game makes late game no problem.


                The trends chart for KDA plots a moving average instead of the individual data point for each match. We've found that individual stats like KDA, GPM, etc. vary too much match-to-match to gain any meaningful information from the chart. With a moving average, the chart visually shows whether or not you're trending up or down.

                If you hover over the individual data point for a match, it will show you both the moving average value that is plotted (big, on top) as well as the value for this individual match (right below it, prefixed by "This Match: "

                Hopefully this makes sense!


                  Thanks for letting me know Jason