General Discussion

General Discussionbest game evar. Win vs the most bitchy splitpush pick

best game evar. Win vs the most bitchy splitpush pick in General Discussion
    Such game happens 1 time in like 3000 your played games
    That was insane, I barely could restrain my tears of happyness
    Infinite splitpush by tb and others, we couldn't go out of base
    Enemies got megacreeps, and we went all-in push
    Base race, we have no glyph, and they have
    We attack throne, army of illusions attacks our throne, it had 800 hp and then…
    OMNI ULTS AND WE KILL THRONE FASTER..just before the omni's ult ends
    That feeling when you won and you knew there was no chance to win..

    თემა შეიცვალა

      Like everygame in 6.83

      Dune, the Desert Planet

        TB, Naga and Tinker in the same team. + Slark

        agg tmr no estonea

          tb has nerfed...

          L > BLACK MAGE PARTY

            I'm sorry, but TB deserved to win that game, look at his teammates.

            You guys played well, but it must be sad for him to almost 1v5 win the game. He took every building except for the base, and it doesn't seem like his teammates contributed much.

            კომენტარი შეიცვალა


              14.2k omg