General Discussion

General DiscussionThoughts about Omni?

Thoughts about Omni? in General Discussion

    So, I just played two games with Omniknight and I must admit. This hero is ridiculous when picked in the right game.

    He counters a lot of other heroes in the game and is one of the strongest picks in a pub match.

    - Can farm (jungle or lane) / push really good as a support
    - Ult is ridiculous when not countered
    - Repel? The strongest spell in the game?
    - Degen Aura? I mean like, come on. When you skill this early game it's insane. (In the 1st linked game I got chased heavily all the time but degen aura saved me and even resulted in everyone who dived to die (multiple times!)).
    - Heal: low cooldown and also does damage! :O (Syncs a bit too well with a soul ring)

    Does he needs fixing or is it just fine like this? (60% winrate)

    თემა შეიცვალა

      16 lp games for these 2 games

      thats what volvo should fix

      its the 4th fucking time i get 16 lp games this month. I AM MUTED EVERY FUCKING GAME TOO. I couldn't have said shit even if i wanted.


        I think he is OK now,
        also new diffusal, more heroes can buy it


          Could be that Pub mentality is to counter pick carries, not supports, and hence no one really cares about Omni until the game heads towards mid and suddenly your PA or Void is useless for 8 seconds in a teamfight because of GA. I mostly play pubs, and sometimes, ranked (2.5 K MMR, I noob), but I have a pretty strong win rate on Omni simply because a lot of times, folks don't get diffusal, or they spend early game harassing the guy I am supporting, instead of harassing me. With the right pick up (QOP, Lina, WD etc, who do loads of magical/pure dmg that bypasses repel and GA), Omni can be countered. Omni is also particularly susceptible to well thought out ganks and lockdowns because he doesn't have a stun/disable/reliable escape.


            you can limit the impact of hard counters with certain item choices. For example if they have sliencer then Mek is a must so you can keep everyone alive till silence runs out at which point spam R. If they have disruptor , sky wrath , doom then buy a force staff and just stay back in team fights, push yourself in and summon Angels. Don't worry about using bubble early and if you see a pudge on the other team try and claim middle, soul ring heal bomb will ruin his evening


              I messed up my items:

              At least, this is what my teammates said: "Your itemchoices cost us a game"...


                Well, yea. With those items and 7K HD you kinda messed up that game tbh.


                  What would you have bought in my place?


                    Agha? Linken?


                      Explain why?


                        Maybe it is best to explain first why it's good to build a radiance in that game?


                          I seriously cringe every time when people fucking caps ALOT which is not a fucking word.

                          friend plays a lot of omni got 6k with it.


                            I did something special for you. This is my Christmas gift.


                              I decided to buy Aghanim at first, but then I realized that enemy team don't cares about my ult at all. Most of their damage is pure or magical and they had diffusals on Morphling just to be sure...

                              My next thought was to buy Linkens, but then what? Doom can cast LVLdeath first to break Linken and follow with his ult next anyway.

                              So... I decided to upgrade my soulring into Bloodstone. To have a chance to survive in teamfight and if I die, I can at least heal my team, save some gold and respawn faster.

                              Then I noticed that Doom and QoP try to initiate teamfights by disabling/killing me first. So my next item was Blink.

                              In late game we lost two sides, but destroyed two sides on enemy base too. So I decided to buy Radiance for fast "deathpush" and to do some damage in teamfights if possible. This is it...

                              waku waku

                                buy pipe of insight, it's like the most useful item ever most of the time


                                  ^Even vs pure damage?

                                  waku waku

                                    yeah it sucks that they broke the ult but having pipe on when she uses scream on pain is still like using a mek


                                      Doom deals pure damage too.

                                      waku waku

                                        still pretty much all their heroes can deal magical damage so it would be pretty useful especially early on
                                        that double shivas was probably worse than your items though

                                        კომენტარი შეიცვალა
                                          კომენტარი წაშალა მოდერატორმა

                                            322 - solo2stronk, fun game.


                                            კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                              Pick doom and just doom him every fight, and just go pzpz shit still hasn't changed lol

                                              आप गे क्यों

                                                omni is teammate dependent. No matter how good the player is, if the teammates dont know the heal/repel is coming. It wont be half as effective