General Discussion

General DiscussionQuestions to experienced Storm players

Questions to experienced Storm players in General Discussion

    When can you go these builds? 3-1-1?



    I normally go passive but I've seen people go a couple levels in remnant, er mix it up. I don't really know when to do it though. Explanations would help me understand making my own build better

    2) How do you play behind? Earlier I got ganked 3-4 times by a Venge/Ogre who kept smoking, and by that point I was pretty underfarmed :(

    3) What are some underrated items on Storm? I think euls is nice. You can dispel silences, helps you chase, cancel tps etc.


      I'm really bad at Storm but I'm pretty sure it's 1-1-3


        I only put additional points into either W or E and leave remnant at 1 and max it last, or max it before putting the 4th point in W.

        I don't think euls is that good, maybe a good pick up in some situations, but if things are getting ugly early on, a quick BKB is probably best.


          everythings situational buddy


            yeah but when would you go remnant favored or vortex build.

            when you need more burst damage? and your team has some disables?

            when your team doesnt have disables and a higher level of vortex is needed. explanations like that

            cause right now i have no clue


              U go for remnant if u r playing against low-range heroes in middle. Anyway o would rather go 1-1-3 coz hahassment from ur ocerload is mor optional at this situation. So -> Using 3-1-1 or 2-2-1 against Pudgepikers, may be.
              The other use of 3-1-1 is some kind of farm-based game.

              1-1-3 Is a classical build. So nothing to say about it. Thats how u play ur common game.

              1-3-1 IMO is a choice for laning with support. Or if ur team has no stuns. i mean rly NO STUNS, but ur vortex.

              Btw. I always picking my abilities based on which one will be the most suitable right now.
              Thats all.


                i prefer going 1-0-2 then maxing vortex but thats just me


                  I really wanna help, but I dont have idea

                  NO MAP (TEST)

                    u never go 3-1-1 its either

                    4-0-4 or


                    or 1-4-1

                    3-1-1 bad

                    NO MAP (TEST)

                      1-3-1 not 1-4-1 lol : D

                      4-0-4 is for afk famring and stacking jungle

                      remenanet doesnt give u more damage in fights usually its only for farming :)



                        1-2-2-1 at 6