General Discussion

General DiscussionQuestions about earth spirit~~

Questions about earth spirit~~ in General Discussion

    So I started picking this guy up about 3weeks ago and have mainly played him offlane. I've always wanted to play him as a mid but fear that he might be too lacking due to his late game presence and also due to the fact that I suck at mid and play offlane more comfortably.

    My question is do you guys know anyone out there (a ES player in top 100) who plays ES mid? Is he also still viable in mid as his rolling boulder got nerfed?

    No hate pls for asking a question related to earth spirit :(


      i am top es player and i can confirm es = ez mid ez life.
      you can kill most heroes by level 3 with a simple combo, then get 6 and just gank everyone.


        hes a good roamer too... can gank and cause a big problem especialy on enemy mid


          they are better mid heroes than him, play him as offlane always, reach 6 and move ur ass


            im top 69 (huehue) and i mostly play him as mid
            but the only reason for that is that im a seriously shitty offlaner, i suck major dicks on offlane
            going mid is totally fine, you can just send some semi carry support to the midlane to take over once u feel like u gain some core items to wreck shit and wont come to mid lane again
            one really nice thing is that u can solokill the enemy mid relatively easy in the first night since thats the time u get lvl 6 and its a short cooldown and totally worth it for a solo mid kill which boosts u to lvl 7 -> your grip is insanely strong now, dont even need ult to kill sidelanes

            also, farming an aghs after dagger is really fun. you have like 3000 initiation range to get into range for your agha spell and moving him back by 3k units again (i think, dont count me on the numbers)

            კომენტარი შეიცვალა

              Do you try set up a kill before 6? Or do you patiently wait till 6? ALso what do you think of his slight early lane dominance nerf?


                u farm and harras while doing your combo up until 6 and if theres a kill chance u just try to take it
                before his nerf he was simply broken, now hes "only" really good
       i think that game was pretty much what i just wrote, feel free to watch it
                thats most of the time the best solution to learning stuff, i sometimes ask for specific replays for certain playstyles here too


                  okay thanks yo! ill have a look at that later :)