General Discussion

General Discussion[Noob Question] Why upgrade to Null Talisman?

[Noob Question] Why upgrade to Null Talisman? in General Discussion

    Hi all,

    I've been watching a few games recently, and I noticed that a lot of times, pro players would buy a complete Null Talisman (Total cost: 470 gp, incl 155 gp recipe). My question is, why do people upgrade it in the first place? Why not leave it as a circlet and Mantle. I understand that upgrading it gives you a free slot and +1 o stats, but is it that good a deal vs, say leaving circlet and mantle as is, and getting an extra iron branch or two, or maybe an extra set of tangos for laning, or maybe even leave that 155 gp towards a bottle or boots?

    I've seen this mostly on solo mids (Tinker, Puck etc), and given I usually play supports, I haven't had much practical experience with it myself.

    Thanks for the help!

    Linda | DotaExchange

      Because it is talisman, most of dota 2 pro players are very superstitious, which makes them upgrading to it a MUST if they want to win games.

      Glad i could help.

      კომენტარი შეიცვალა

        465 gold, 5 slots = +5 str +5 agility +8 int (3 gg, circlet, mantle)

        470 gold, 1 slot = +3 srt + 3 agility + 6 int +3 damage (null)

        even if you don't care about inventory slots you still get 1 more point of damage from null so its slightly better for last hitting but not much else. practically you might want to buy early boots/bottle/stick and having to finish a wand or null to have inventory room could slow those items down, sure you can sell or send 1 gg back on the courier but then you lost those stats any way.

        კომენტარი შეიცვალა
        Linda | DotaExchange

          Bump for my awesome replay, come one, no one gives a fuck? :'(


            better stats , 1 slot , CAN BE UPGRADED TO DAGON <3 <3 <3 <3 <3

            Sup m8

              Sad Linda. But true!


                Thanks, Number 12, Fyyq, that makes sense.


                  gg linda got rejected.

                  Linda | DotaExchange



                      because there is a chance you face Arturka in pubs
                      null talis > artoozy

                      კომენტარი შეიცვალა
                      THICC BABY SHUM

                        cuz it builds into best item in game, DAGON, and second one into vail,

                        VAIL DAGON 5 EZY WINZ

