General Discussion

General DiscussionHow to get out of the normal bracket? Pick SF, go mid, win, ez.

How to get out of the normal bracket? Pick SF, go mid, win, ez. in General Discussion

    I played 4 games in a a row on my Friends acc.

    Holy shit, games are most of the time easy. Even I, as 3.7-4k player can easily stomp them so hard.

    How the fuck people at 2.8-2.9k can be so delusional about their skill?

    Lolz. It's 100% not the team-mates. Yes, they are bad.. However, enemy team is aswell bad, 100% confirmed.

    I know it's been already proven 100 times, but I just can't belive that 700-1000 MMR can mean this much...

    It's like different game guys. I can only think what a "true" 5k or 6k player would do in this games, or even in my tranch bracket aswell..


      something like this would happen


        rofl indeed


          or like this

          even with smurf enemies ;D

          आप गे क्यों

            or you'll stay at that mmr forever


              people will always be there to ruin games.

              its half luck and half brute force stomping.


                Did u jus fking mention play sf at 2k bracket ? Are you sniffing cocaine or some shit.. Sf is far the worst hero to get out of 2k bracket... Ppl don't even know hwow to use him. Say some ez heroes like slark, am etccc

                Dire Wolf

                  seems like every day someone stomps 3-4 games on X hero and then makes a post like this. I'm 8-1 in my last 9 sniper ranked matches but that doesn't mean I'm recommending him for ranked. My first ranked riki match I went 17-2-7. Wouldn't recommend him though. From there I've won exactly 50% of games with him.

                  Games vary so much, you can't take such a small sample and say just spam X hero and you'll rank up, it doesn't work that way.


                    in normal skill bracket u should just play oracle. ulti a carry and go rape, normal bracket ppl wont even know whats going on and will scream: !@#!bug abuse!~
                    but ofc, make sure the carry is ur fren otherwise he wont even know whats false promise

                    just theoretical stuff, no practical experience of how normal bracket games are

                    კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                      Not just few matches.

                      9 matches, 89p winrate, 6kda.

                      I still belive sf can get you out of 2k very ez, once you master him


                        uh anything can get u out of 2k very very easily, once u improve on ur dota skills


                          Fastest way is going for mid. But yeah


                            just pick meepo, lane doesnt even matter

                            კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                              Can't meppo. :(


                                drow picking seems legit


                                  sf worst hero in game