General Discussion

General DiscussionWhat do i keep doing wrong with morphling

What do i keep doing wrong with morphling in General Discussion

    I just cant seem to win with this hero, my winrate with him is abysmal and my ingame stats are fucking shit

    i always try to do my best to farm well but often i feel like im in situations where i cant farm anywhere and i fall behind real fast

    my 2 most recent games i was mostly solo in my lane vs a dual offlane, and i feel as though i farmed ok CS-wise but not in terms of getting involved in kills, so i fell behind this game in particular i realise i might have itemised badly, and should have gone bkb first, instead of linkens, and i farmed fairly badly in the midgame because i was always worried of a pickoff by zeus, and then laster CK

    i think im struggling to find a decent balance of when i can fight and when i cant, should i change my itembuild at all? should i request a dedicated laning partner to help me kill the opponents and stop them farming equally, if not better than me?

    all advice greatly appreciated as always

    თემა შეიცვალა

      watch pro games with morph and try to adapt their gameplay


        1 dont pick morph when u have bunch of carrys
        2 get more cs,
        3 be more aggressive with him he can be supper aggressive early
        4. try to go for this build 2 wraights, 1 into ring, then get travels, then yasha into manta then what ever


          ^1) obviously i dont pick him last into a bunch of carries, i tend to pick first (not instapick, but before everyone on team usually, just to avoid that problem)

          2) fair point, im trying to work on that but aforementioned problem of "not knowing where to farm" often comes into play. i go through the jungle usually but often i feel like im not acomplishing much just endlessly jungling, too scared to leave in case i get picked off

          3) hard to do this when solo in a lane, if i have a lane partner i would do this, i guess i'll try being in as many fights as possible early on too


            it's a one of the highest skill cap carries, it's ok to lose as long as you are learning something new each game


              ethereal nerf hit him real hard men ;_;

              THICC BABY SHUM

                i didnt know u pick first just putted it there as ur second to last game had 4 carrys

                THICC BABY SHUM

                  i dont belive that eblade nerf rlly do much to him, u can still do it fast enough during wave


                    HE'S ONE OF THE HARDEST HEROES TO PLAY. caps ftw. so you should be losing until you learn how to play dota or playing against the worst kind of noobs


                      yeah i second picked juggernaut,then they picked TA and PA ;_; the pain is real.

                      about the eblade nerf,sometimes when you want to burst someone from the outskirts of a fight and waveform out,(you know that shitty sniper or disruptor)you have to wait for a long time,which gives them enough reaction time to disable you.If you ethereal blade them and instantly cast adaptive strike like we used to before, you end up wasting the extra ethereal damage which you could have dealt.

                      edit:I know i'm awful benao.Now go fuck a dick or something.

                      კომენტარი შეიცვალა
                      THICC BABY SHUM

                        I found FYYQ


                          dont pick morph

                          thats what u do wrong


                            OMGGGGG she really looks like me!!!!

                            but she hasnt got the Glory Beard :'((((((


                              i didnt call you anything bad, whats your fucking problem

                              THICC BABY SHUM




                                  CLOSE BUT NO BANANA

                                  THICC BABY SHUM

                                    GOT U


                                      GG i give up<3

                                      gn8 :)

                                      THICC BABY SHUM

                                        FOR ALLISON


                                          1. ur hd is abysmal
                                          2. going bkb first is generally not advisable as it doesnt help him farm, starts burning bkb charges really early, and hes really weak in fights with it. at least get a yasha if not whole manta before that
                                          3. you should probably get an early bottle on him regardless of how lanes end up because of double rune spawn, hes in that area a lot and benefits from them a ton (bottled DD on him is rlly scary to fight against for example, but you can use them just to farm too)
                                          4. make sure you're super active in the early game, morphs a great pusher and waveform + strong autoattacks at level 5+ make him super strong in that level 5-10 range
                                          5. if you get stuck in a shitty lane just leech xp and hope the other team gets distracted and leaves you alone


                                            afk farm 40 mins. win game