General Discussion

General DiscussionTonky Hero

Tonky Hero in General Discussion

    So does anyone know a good counter to tanky heroes? And by tanky I mean hard to kill i.e Bristle, Abaddon, Axe, etc.

    I seem to lose a large majority of my games where the enemy team just gets so tanky they take almost everyone to kill and this leads to them running at towers by either ratting or just death balling.

    I lost 2 matches today where they just ran at our towers and when we could finally kill them they got every rax and we couldn't push fast enough before they could end.

    My thought is either an entire team of stuns/disables but that wouldn't exactly work if they got bkb's.

    Plis halp no more Tonka Truckes 4 me.






          -armor people


            get midgame heros/items


              New slardar, 5 sec ult cooldown will help alot + aoe disable.

              Miku Plays

                deso, AC

                also bristleback bows down to LC


                  For aba get eul. For the rest, hex, doom (with scepter) and a lot of dps will do. Also get bkb if they get blademail.

                  კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                    rececntly I play only 2 heroes. One of em is timbersaw which I instapick if theres like 2-3 str heroes. :D

                    Pom Pom 🍕

                      for bristle just get Axe or LC since he's forced to face you (bristle without his passive is actually squishy for a str hero too). Doom with aghanim will also disable his passive.

                      Against Abaddon you can get Axe with aghanim (culling blade goes through aba ulti) or anything that removes someone from a fight temporarily (eul, astral imprisonment, disruption, etc).

                      For Axe it's best to stack team armour against his counterhelixes (vlad's, AC, mek, warcry - sven, ice armour - Lich and Ogre frostmage). Timbersaw's pure damage burst is really good against him too, since it ignores his armour and won't proc many helixes since his agi is shit (and also can't right-click if your ulti is out).

                      Generally against high-strength heroes Zeus and Lifestealer are really good picks since they do more damage the higher health pool their enemies have (static field and feast).

                      კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                        Lifestealer is good at dealing with high-hp heroes.

                        And Enigma deserves a mention. Midnight Pulse does work.


                          %hp based skills (Lifestealer's feast, Enigma's midnight pulse, Necrophos' heartstopper aura, Timbersaw's whirling death, etc)
                          pure damage (tinker, lina, OD, enchantress, etc)
                          -armor stuff (items or abilities)