General Discussion

General DiscussionSo someone theory crafted #3 Morphling

So someone theory crafted #3 Morphling in General Discussion

    The idea was to set his stats between strength and agility to be distributed almost evenly with agi treads. You'd then swap treads whenever you wanted to shift the equilibrium towards strength for max stun. E.g. 42str-40agi becoming 50str-32agi

    This way you retain your rightclick to a certain degree but gain access to a super long range instant cast 4.25 second stun (lol). If you're #3 then you could use your ulti more offensively as well by using it on your carry (always felt it was a waste people use this purely for farming/defensive/baiting measures).

    It sounds like a cool alternate way to play him.

    More of a niche and not always situationally possible because you'd be laning him Offlane (2-1-2 maybe? Or against weak duolane+jungle).


      i cant be arsed to check but wouldn't the stun have a really short duration if you have just enough str
      unless it's really late in the game


        If Morphling's agility is 50% higher than strength, the maximum damage and the minimum stun is dealt. If his strength is 50% higher than his agility, the maximum stun and minimum damage are dealt.

        Early game/mid just proper stat distribution and treads would work. Late game onwards you could either use Armlet or have your stats pre-setup towards strength and morph back into agi since you would have enough mana capacity.


          it is related to agi/str ratio implying that morphling has to morph a major chunk of his stats to deal a lot of damage or to stun for a loooong time.

          If Morphling's agility is 50% higher than strength, the maximum damage and the minimum stun is dealt. If his strength is 50% higher than his agility, the maximum stun and minimum damage are dealt.


            double copy pasta OP <3