General Discussion

General DiscussionNeed a ~1.7k mmr account for some experiments with helping my low mmr...

Need a ~1.7k mmr account for some experiments with helping my low mmr friend in General Discussion

    I really want to boost my friends solo mmr, but i have a trouble getting account with similar mmr. Would be really grateful for getting account with mmr close to that. I would even be up to give it back with somewhat boosted mmr (like to 2.5k or smth). If you have any suggestions - just add me on steam.


      how do u want to boost his solo mmr with another account dont u mean party


        haha, dude i played with you like 2 games, 1 i was es on your team, another i was axe against you.
        btw why you need another account, just boost his account, play on it.
        or u mean u wanna party? that would be just ridiculously easy.

        კომენტარი შეიცვალა

          did you ever hear about rare matchmaking settings boosting? :D


            Like carry the game if you're in his team and throw it if you're in the opposite team? Why bother to ruin so many games for?


              i will just dodge games if i'm not on his team. that's first. Second is that i'm pretty sure it's not a big deal to ruin few games to get a good guy out of trench in the tier where people just abandon tons of their games


                Isn't it easier to make a smurf?


                  will be hard for me to get a 1.7k mmr after calibration...


                    what about trying to coach him so he can actually be "good guy" and not just same shit with boosted mmr ?


                      mate, if you could see his games you wouldn't suggest coaching :D but you obviosly are the superior player that believes he can climb mmr easy from 1700 :D


                        nothing is easy,
                        or he can't climb at all ?
                        then he should l2p,


                          man, i wouldn't be so loudly talking without knowing any facts. actually i'm done talking to you, you seem to be way overconfident in yourself.


                            How is it possible to get to 1700 MMR if you don't feed intentionally?


                              another god of 4k mmr here? :D


                                No, I really want to know, because I was calibrated at ~3k and I never played DOTA or other MOBA games before. So I thought that 3k is a starting point.


                                  so tell us about these facts

                                  let me guess,
                                  your friend thinks he is 2.5k but can't climb mmr because always noob team in 1.7k,


                                    don't do that, I know a lot of people who are sub 2k and while they aren't the complete vegetables that everyone else seems to think they are, there are just sooo many things they can do to get better. if you spent half an hour teaching him how to last hit his win rate would go up 10%, if you could just convince him to stop doing trash item builds his win rate would go up another 5%, if he learned to think about what the other team is going to do b4 he YOLOes into them he would probably win almost all his games.

                                    it would just be easier to make him into an OK player, then inflating his mmr 800 points and then leaving him to the wolves, then inflating it again when he drops down.


                                      I CAN GIVE U THIS


                                        "i'm pretty sure it's not a big deal to ruin few games to get a good guy out of trench in the tier where people just abandon tons of their games"

                                        I'm pretty sure this is a troll attempt, nobody is this stupid

                                        THICC BABY SHUM

                                          my main is 900 mmr would that work? boost it? for free? OMG


                                            better if you would just play his account.


                                              im 1.1k pls boost me


                                                boy, trolls will be just ignored, normal people who wanna help me out is there, i believe, so i'll just w8 for it.


                                                  if you wanna boost his account just play solo queue on his account yourself....

                                                  harvard graduate

                                                    if he cant roflstomp in 1.7k, he doesnt deserve anything else....

                                                    ham strokers ejacula

                                                      With coaching a player can actually become a good contender in much higher skilled games. A lot of the people in the past that I have coached were low tier 3k's most of whom now sit well over 5K, its not impossible but it does take time and dedication and looking for short cuts is basically proving he doesn't deserve to be out of that bracket.

                                                      It's really hard work but is more rewarding in the long run to say that you worked hard and did it, that and you also have all the experience gained from each bracket you've passed through.


                                                        Just give him tips on how to play better. It's not that hard to improve a 1.7k player's game.


                                                          Havoc Badger, welp, climbing is not the problem for him, he has 60 percents winratio even with all lack of luck he has. The problem is that that way to climb is way slower. Like the stuff with rare search options is almost 100 percents winratio in that range of mmr

                                                          ham strokers ejacula

                                                            That's most things in general anything worth achieving will be slow unless you naturally have it. Having calibrated at 1700 I can tell you right now that his problem isn't the bracket or the people around him cause give me a 1700 account and I could play some casual support and still maintain 90-100% winrate there shouldn't be any reason to abuse if he is truly any better.

                                                            Link me his account and I will have a look.


                                                              added you on steam, so we can have a private discussion about it, if you don't mind :)

                                                              ham strokers ejacula

                                                                Sure thing.


                                                                  @Havoc Badger
                                                                  Please, tell us results of your research later. Everybody interested: can he be the first player in DOTA 2 history who really not belong to his bracket?


                                                                    i bet hes not

                                                                    ham strokers ejacula

                                                                      The friend...

                                                                      Ranked MM - 158 Games - 63.29% win rate. I think he is just impatient as if he wanted to he would climb to somewhere decent in no time.....yep figured it out. Here's what happened.

                                                                      > Not his first account, he was queuing bot co-op matches to get exp
                                                                      > They removed that so he started playing limited hero pool, and least played, captains draft, all Random.
                                                                      > He basically tried to dodge playing really matches till he had enough XP to calibrate
                                                                      > Cause of his buggery he calibrated low (serves him right IMO)
                                                                      > He shouldn't be 1700 MMR which is why he is climbing but looking at it he won't pass 2900-3200

                                                                      He's not that terrible and honestly he should keep climbing on his own. I am looking at his games and a consistent 65% winrate is not something he needs help with, you can't expect to win more that that unless you're amazing or abusing so he is doing good right now.

                                                                      If the time comes where he is struggling I am happy to give him help, advice and even coach him for free but he has to do what I say, and listen to what I tell him without questioning it.

                                                                      Bait Master Elite

                                                                        Why boost an account, he will only lose all the boosted mmr, wrecking games.


                                                                          Bait Master Elite, it seems like reading is not one of your best qualities?


                                                                            finally some facts


                                                                              serves him right IMO :) hope he suffers a lot too while climbing for trying to outsmart the system and having the brain of a potato :D

                                                                              Make love, not flame

                                                                                If he has stable 65% winrate, just let him play. Hundred games will give him +750 mmr on his own. If he plays a bit over 3 games a day, he has it in one month and will learn a lot during that. I got calibrated kinda low too after many years no Doto..., so far climbed by 1k, still the same winrate. No easy way out.


                                                                                  So if you played say a lot of single draft you wont get much of a starting mmr?

                                                                                  Also good way to get out of sub 2k mmr is to use heroes like lich and sand king who wreck in team fights :D and if you play a high impact team fight support who needs little farm it means your team will actually have someone with a little farm to fight with! (as opposed to have a dual lane both trying to last hit poorly and thus neither getting any farm)

                                                                                  კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                                                                    1639 MMR scrub reporting in. Calibrated at 1635. Started losing and got down to ~1.5k. And then I just pick KotL most games. I think picking what's best for the team is the way to go. Used to always pick carry, but then no one would support.

                                                                                    Don't help boosting by abusing the matchmaking system. He'll feel a lot more satisfied by raising his MMR on his own, rather than getting boosted (possibly beyond his skill level, which will then just loose him his MMR). At least that's the way I'm looking at my own MMR.

                                                                                    Just my two cents.

                                                                                    კომენტარი შეიცვალა