General Discussion

General DiscussionItem Suggestion: Aghanims Sceptor for Ember Spirit

Item Suggestion: Aghanims Sceptor for Ember Spirit in General Discussion
❤ Ashley ❤

    So a bunch of heroes have aghanims upgrade and ember falls off late game because of his low stat growth and low armor, why not add an ags upgrade that makes sleight of fist have an additional hit to the targets with no bonus damage? Ember spirit is getting weaker in the patches while everything else gets buffed, can we get a buff on ember spirit somehow?

    Something like, buff armor from 1 up to 5 or make searing chains always prioritize heroes instead of hitting creeps? Maybe give him 2 extra remnants? I talked to many players who are high skill and they agree with me.


      If your suggestion is serious, why do you write it here?

      Either write it on or
      Writing here is pointless.


        Ember Spirit is pretty strong late tho


          such jussi white juice


            He def does not need a buff wtf...


              Is an ember picker. Asks for ember buffs.

              AYYY LMAO


                Something like that: +50% fire remnant damage and -50% recharge time.


                  Extra remnant? Dunno. It's like giving a PA a Scepter. The buff can be awesome, but you sorta need your damage items too. I think it would be situational.

                  आप गे क्यों

                    stopped reading after "ember falls off late"

                    go read ember's skill description again. hes a classic example of late game glass cannon carry.

                    might as well make a post about sniper falling off during all stages of the game. because he has no agh scepter. kappa