General Discussion

General DiscussionI would like some serious feedback on what i could have done in these...

I would like some serious feedback on what i could have done in these matches in General Discussion
Mr Mental
    Team all blamed me at the end of these matches so i thought maybe its all my fault. Thats why i would like some advice on how not to stop sucking.
    ( Only playing supports)

    Miku Plays

      stop buying the same items for every game.. i guess

      NO MAP (TEST)

        id put atleast 1 point into frost armor at level 8 or so u dont rly need the mana spell maxed at 9

        frost armor rly good spell


          3 games and a total of 71 last hits. 2 hours and 15 minutes of gameplay and you managed to do that with a hero that has a spammable nuke to kill creeps. You need to work on that, if you struggle with last hitting just get a few creeps low and nuke them. Also ghost scepter every game is not needed, an Aghs/Meka on Lich is great, force staff and tranquils are fine but try work towards that aghs/Meka.


            is this what you do now? play support every game and then post on here whenever you get retarded allies, which still seems to be a surprise to you after like 1000 games in the shitter?

            You know what you are? You are one of those guys that decides hey, I'm shit at the game, so I'll play support and then instead of people blaming me for doing fucking nothing the entire game, I'll play support and blame my team.

            You aren't coming on here to learn, you are coming on here to hear people reassure you that there was nothing you could do to change the outcome of the game. Start figuring shit out yourself and get better.

            NextStep ®

              I'll try to watch one of the replay if you indeed wanna improve.
              Lich was my fav hero.


                stop trying you are so shit and stop making these threads fking scrub

                NextStep ®

                  Match 1094458024 - Overview - DOTABUFF - Dota 2 Stats

                  @ 0:10
                  - Camp outside the base and sacrifice melee creep ( higher exp ) immediately when 1st spawn.
                  Don't loiter around or go for 1st rune.

                  @ 0:42
                  - Don't pull w/o stacking if you're not doing double pull from the other camp.

                  @ 0:53
                  - Always use sacrifice when it's available.

                  @ 1:27
                  - Always sacrifice the creep with highest hp.
                  Control the wave. Keep it closer to the tower.

                  @ 1:42

                  - Just spam frost blast on opponent whenever you can.
                  Harass the shit out of opponent. You have unlimited mana due to sacrifice. ( you don't need clarity potion for lich )


                  - You failed to use sacrifice again.

                  Alright. I'll stop here.
                  The laning phase fundamental is poor. I'm not even gonna watch your mid gameplay.

                  You don't even know the rationale of pulling. You're supposed to deny the creep wave as many as possible.
                  Not to cause double wave and push the lane all the way to the enemy's tower making farming difficult for your carry.

                  Always try to sacrifice the creep outside of the Exp range ( 1300 ) of the opponent and deny creep wave by pulling.
                  If you doing it right and consistently, your carry will have 2 levels advantage at lvl 7.

                  Lich - Player Rankings - DOTABUFF - Dota 2 Stats
                  Dude just download the replay from the top lich players and learn.


                    dood why u no accept my friend request :v lawl