General Discussion

General DiscussionSmurf detection failed?

Smurf detection failed? in General Discussion



      no, you're just bad


        you're fucking pathetic trash.
        you have no hd, kda, cs, xpm, hd, hh, td in fucking 2k bracket matches and you think valve system failed especially where you fed in your very first game????




            learn english you fucking garbage russian


              normal skill?


                yeah the bracket where you should play too


                  Benao, this is what I am confused about. I am not that good but I thought Valve had something in place to prevent massive winstreaks in low ratings like this? Dunno.


                    do you have down syndrome or something? i just fucking explained why you got so low and you belong even lower and those winstreaks are only because you got lucky for a few games now.


                      4 posts in 30 minutes, excellent. Why do you care so much about me? I feel honoured.

                      But here's a counterargument. The first game I had by far the most GPM and XPM. Sorry if I couldn't get near a tower because the enemies were too fed.

                      The Juggernaut game I played badly because I didn't know the hero and had a Puck abandon after laning with me.

                      But the rest of the games I did well. Particularly, the Void game where I won 4v5 with some help from someone feeding a Divine.

                      But I dunno, continue screaming medical terms that you vaguely understand. If you want. No one's here to stop your testosterone high. Why are you so angry?


                        oh boy. dying fucking 6 times, having 300 gpm, 10k hero dmg, 0 tower dmg and losing a game against people who are playing the game literally first time. YOU MUST BE SKILLED

                        კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                          Except they weren't, because I was the only one to get the welcoming gift that game. You are wrong.


                            OH NO PLAYING AGAINST 3 K PLAYERS SO HARD DAMN

                              კომენტარი წაიშალა
                              火 Cheesio 火

                                The Juggernaut game I played badly because I didn't know the hero and had a Puck abandon after laning with me.

                                You think the smurf detection failed when you don't even know the heroes in the freaking pool. :-)

                                You can see my account. Shitty winrate, but a little higher rating still.. Winrate on new accounts don't really matter that much..


                                  I know I'm not that high, but I wonder how much longer Valve is going to let me stomp like this.

                                  ɡädˈspēd, what KDAs would be enough then? Or is it too late already, and I'll have to climb 25 by 25?

                                  Cheesio, I know winrate doesn't matter. What I don't get is why I am still in the normal skill bracket when I've won plenty of games with good KDA. Maybe smurf detection only works first 5 games and I bombed those?

                                  The reason I made a smurf is because I want to take the game more seriously and climb. In my old account, I was between Normal skill and High skill (so 3.2k) but that's because I picked heroes off the whim. In fact, my most played hero had 43% winrate. So I decided to take things more seriously and play good heroes and try and counterpick, and decided it would be faster on a new account rather than climbing 25 MMR in one game. This is all.

                                  კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                    you're so fucking delusional trash. you still have pathetic kda, you still have other pathetic stats and you're not stomping any of the games. and holy fuck ofc smurf detection won't last you 100 games.


                                      Thanks, ɡädˈspēd, your edit was very informative. Guess I should play more Zeus, heh.


                                        This down syndrome kid doesn't understand and thinks zeus is the fix. Holy fuck you're so pathetic.
                                        And holy fuck that info is so wrong
                                        Nonrankeds calibrate with up to +-500 mmr just as normal calibrations for 10 matches. Then it's ~+-25 for each game until you get actual ranked calibration. Fucking downies claiming shit implying it's true

                                        Pol Pot of Greed

                                          ayy lmao

                                            კომენტარი წაშალა მოდერატორმა

                                              smurf detection works just fine.

                                              I made a smurf, by 4th game I was V.High.

                                              You just aren't that good. Winning games alone doesn't mean you will shoot up. Their rating system probably thinks you didn't do very well in those games, which you probably didn't.

                                              Why are you complaining about winning games anyway?

                                              edit: FYI your farming is abysmal.

                                              კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                                I'm not complaining. I am just confused. Oh well, let's see for a few more games how this goes.


                                                  compare this to your ac­count
                                                  every single game compare the fu­cking stats
                                                  if you don't see the pattern and understand why this ac­count calibrated at 5k and why your ac­count will be 2k you should literally kil­l yourself


                                                    THIS IS HOW YOU SMURF
                                                    not your shitty little trashcan account stats

                                                    კომენტარი შეიცვალა
                                                      კომენტარი წაშალა მოდერატორმა
                                                      火 Cheesio 火

                                                        Hey! :) You had a high skill game.. ;)

                                                        - Meanwhile I lose all my games :D

                                                        კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                                          I'm pretty satisfied with 90% percentile while playing random heroes, thanks. Just because you say I'm awful doesn't mean I am. :)

                                                          EDIT: Cheesio, wow, I just did! That PA couldn't last hit against me when it was her safelane and my offlane >.<
                                                          You're in very high skill so your games are much harder than mine, don't fret.

                                                          კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                                            @ ɡädˈspēd's newer edits: I used to play solely for fun, and that means like picking Anti-Mage even though the enemy had a Riki and a Silencer then slapping myself when the game ended. But well I feel I wanna try and see how high I can get up to if I play to win, cause that's what my brother (10 years older) did and he got to 3.8k (


                                                              I'm pretty satisfied without having mental disabilities unlike you do


                                                                Holy fuck you're thinking silencer and riki are counters to am. Can you already die?


                                                                  It's almost as listening to people talking about dota in school/university/elsewhere

                                                                    კომენტარი წაიშალა

                                                                      that simply means you were on the edge. duuuuh.


                                                                        because you aren't stomping games..winning is not the same as stomping. all your stats are pretty low. Once you get to VH your stats don't matter that much, but you need to be stomping your initial normal/high skill games, that means stuff like 800 GPM/XPM and/or really high hero damage (not sure if its relative to others on your team or not)

                                                                        valve don't care about win rate, and nor should they. you had a 3.6KDA in the normal bracket..

                                                                          კომენტარი წაიშალა

                                                                            Well, shit.


                                                                              PerfectJar, why are you so angry? Is it because you only have one friend? ):
                                                                              (I still agree with you though)


                                                                                hope u enjoy dotabuff grilledbird


                                                                                  Skill brackets are so weird. I win and then go from High to Normal then feed and go from Normal to High

                                                                                  Thanks Allison I've been here a long time I how shitty people can be here :)


                                                                                    Grilledbird, Smurf detection didn't fail. It's more about the kda ratio than win/loss. I've seen people with 40% winrate still get brought up to very high skill. As long as you purposely keep your kda low and win, things work out.


                                                                                      skill brackets are not weird, how stupid are you? if your MMR, or hidden MMR is around the border for normal/high or high/very high, then yes, you could win a game and play a lower division the next game or lose a game and play in the higher division...this is just basic shit

                                                                                      turns out that the "smurf detection" put you where you belong lmao, back in the shitter

                                                                                      Midi Prill

                                                                                        Perfect jar need to chill out, no one cares about your 5k smurf and your thousands of hours playtime


                                                                                          pingers, if I had a stack that would bring me into High Skill in game 1 I can easily be in your situation. Unfortunately, my friends are about 1600 MMR.

                                                                                          I'm not very stupid, if you want to start bringing academic qualifications in.

                                                                                          NextStep ®

                                                                                            This PerfectJar is what..some angry little kid? haha


                                                                                              you are clearly pretty fucking stupid if you don't understand how the brackets work..of course you can jump between them regardless of wins or losses if your MMR is around the border, if you are confused by this then yes, you are stupid.

                                                                                              and what stack are you talking about? all these games are solo queue on my end, or are you talking about the 4 stack (I was the 5th, not part of their stack) that accomplished exactly fucking nothing the entire game?

                                                                                              you repeatedly played like crap against mediocre opponents, and those wins were just wins, valve don't care about wins. If you are consistently destroying your opponents, that is when smurf detection picks up. 800gpm/xpm are those kind of indicators along with high KDAs. none of your stats are impressive...

                                                                                              you have an overall KD of 3, and 2.8 KDA in the normal bracket across 13 games. This account didn't play any normal bracket games, 2 games in high bracket for 15.3 KDA and then 5.3 KDA in the remaining 7 VH games.

                                                                                              like I said earlier, your stats don't mean much once you move up, but you need to be killing those normal/high bracket games, and you aren't.

                                                                                              edit: do you want me to make another account and show you how easy it is to get to VH?

                                                                                              კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                                                                                Hmm, what heroes do you suggest?

                                                                                                bum farto

                                                                                                  Every smurf topic this will be my go to reaction. I come for the comments!


                                                                                                    try party with your friends that have 4k++
                                                                                                    maybe it will make you get very high skill with 4 or 5 games.
                                                                                                    maybe you can pick support when playing with your friends with a good HD (ogre magi, sand king or dazzle) and always buy ward


                                                                                                      My friends are 1600 MMR.

                                                                                                      bum farto

                                                                                                        If you weren't in China I would coach you to about 4.5K then beyond that is up to you.