General Discussion

General DiscussionMeepo nerds question!

Meepo nerds question! in General Discussion

    What build will deal more DPS.

    Meepo build #1
    BoT's, Aghanim and 4x Eblade

    Meepo Build #2
    BoT's, Aghanim, 3x Eblade and manta

    Always wanted to know :horse:


    Q. Why I don't test it out myself
    A. Im fucking lazy fuck, okey?





        is the highest dps realistic build. I suppose you could dump blink for a second eblade if you wanted to really go all-in for a base race.

        Beyond that I don't really care.

        კომენტარი შეიცვალა

          Eblade is the highest physical dps boosting item on mapo and why would u opt for bots if you want dps? Agi Treads all the way


            Manta is the best DPS item on Meepo if hitting buildings uncontested. Illusions benefit from Agh's Divided We Stand 100% stat-share, meaning that they gain all of Meepo's stats twice over. Combined they deal 132% of main Meepo's damage.


              Fortsie pls stop spreading bullshit... It was fixed VERY long time ago. Manta on meepo is pretty good (26agi) DPs but its not about illusions. The illusions themselves deal rather low DMG to buildings.

              However manta style is core item if you intend to ratdota along with BoTs. If you want to know how do I know this, go to my dotabuff. So alongside the manta style I usually go for 3x eblade and 1xaghs 1x Boots of travel. If your micro is good though you can to to lane and switch BoT to agility treads before poofing in your main meepo. Diffusal is slightly worse than ethereal blade however much cheaper and can be bought within base and not secret shop which may help in base race situations.

              Feel free to visit my stream at . if you actually look at my last VODs you van find a VOD of me winning pretty much 1v5 with 17000tower damage dealt. 5000mmr ranked.