General Discussion

General DiscussionMid matchups for puck

Mid matchups for puck in General Discussion
Low Expectations

    Anyone care to share an opinion if puck should win mid vs Sniper, Pudge, DP, Morphling, Brew, Naga?


      No hero in particular he trives against. Should do well vs pudge naga morph perhaps.
      Mostly even lanes. What he has going on for him tho is that he controles runes better than any of those.

      Low Expectations

        Yeah Ive actuall had trouble vs naga because of riptide Spam from illusions. Also pushes lane and rune control by denying all runes if your supports are sleeping

        კომენტარი შეიცვალა

          75-25 puck v pudge


            wins vs pudge
            wins vs sniper
            wins hard vs naga - naga can never touch wave, if he illusions you just orb and they should all die to one autoattack max on top
            should be even/win by a bit vs morph. really shouldnt b a problem, also is great for killing naga
            even with brew, much better than most because good range and can dodge his clap
            wins vs dp

            no lane should ever be run away win except pudge i guess. if you play it right pudge should rarely be able to touch creeps after you hit level 5, and not much after level 3.

            კომენტარი შეიცვალა

              i think only OD is his trouble


                i played earth spirit against puck mid.
                you know what happened to puck in that game right?