General Discussion

General DiscussionHow are the player of your country? In general.

How are the player of your country? In general. in General Discussion

    Brazilians are very negative in overral, they gave up very easily and tend to fight in voice-chat when things are going bad or to be very friendly when things are going well, even when it's not necessary (for both of the situations), because things might chance with the occurring of the game and then or they blame someone or they break their new made friendship.

    I think that's normal to everyone, but brazilians are also rude towards foreigners, especially peruvians/mexicans/amerigans, not letting them chat on voice chat or blaming them for every mistake, they generally do the same though, but that's all in the south american server, how players from your countries act?

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      The average MMR of my country is 2.5k.



          white afrikaaner boers here in SA are terrible, black people are better


            there are many good romanians and many trash ones. in fact top 1 europe is romanian, and there are many others on leaderboards.
            also 90% of them are flamers

            actually i take that back lol only 4 on leaderboards

            კომენტარი შეიცვალა
            Jay Ashborne

              Most Americans always blame their teammates, they're arrogant narrow minded idiots who refuse to accept any idea but their own...

              brb going 2 mcdonalds.


                i tend not to play with serbians.


                  Since one of our (Slovenian) best players made a 10 week tournament, i found out we actually have pretty good scene here in this little country. Few best players are 5.5k- 6k, and there are quite some players above 5k. Thought there are no players that high, but luckily i was wrong :) On average - i have no idea, since you can found players from 1.5k to 6k. Most of them are in the 3k's.

                  As for their personalities go - they are quite ok and mostly positive, but you can find some flamers and ragers everywhere - occasionally myself included. But overall, pretty fun community.

                  კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                    Romanians are either very good, either very bad.

                    Seal Führer

                      Swedes tend to not take the games seriously, and still win.


                        I'm peruvian...need I say more?


                          singaporeans at my rating are a mix between polite and snobbish arrogant dicks

                          rating wise i know maybe 20+ people in real life above 4k? most people i know are 4k-6k, with a couple of exceptions

                          why the fuck is "C|_|NT" a banned word

                          კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                            Fucking stupid from what I've experienced.

                            You got benao who has mental problems, and you got Psycheout who stops playing the game if one player does a mistake.
                            If he doesn't stop playing, he'll be nagging on that mistake like 5 times then he'll drop it. He'll basically tell you what you did wrong 5 times, and what would happen if you didn't do this mistake.

                            Fucking autists everyone


                              I'm the best BR player, Satellizer can confirm.


                                brb going to play soccer and feed some monkeys while dancing samba

                                Dire Wolf

                                  Americans are just like any others, some are assholes, many aren't, some are good, some are terrible. But they all speak english as a first language so that's good. Still have to put up with a ton of spanish speakers but it's not as bad as it was.


                                    I've been stacking with a lot of different fellow norwegians, ranging from 2k to 6.4k at the highest, and they're in general nice. The seriousness of most games tend to fade away when 5 stacking, especially in normal games.

                                    Linda | DotaExchange

                                      As xan said, also i tend not to play with serbians. They flame whole game, duying couse he was typing something, and things like that. There are like few good players, and that's it.


                                        As many stereotypes that there are for every country, I would imagine that every community is the same for the most part to each other.


                                          Indonesian likes to curse everyone, theyll always write inappropriate words just before the game start! (not fuck pls everyone says fuck)


                                            Some people from the UK are nice and like to help others (Havoc kinda counts i guess)

                                            Some think they know everything and that everyone else is wrong

                                            Some just love to have a proper laugh and swear a lot in caps in all chat and have a banter-filled conversation. usually involves calling their team/the opposite team/everyone swears


                                              Russians in EU West server are the trash. Every game starts of with some sort of Russian trash talk. Every kill you get is responded by a ckya and even when you make it clear that you don't understand Russian, they still write big paragraphs in Russian. Then once you aggravate them enough by killing them many time, they start to abuse your mother, father, sister just nasty... (they never by courier or wards either)

                                              კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                                I don't see how you can play in EU. Atleast I can't, all the people are so toxic or ignorant.

                                                US East for me is ok, I usually feel like I have to carry the team. But sometimes someone else does and it feels great being carried.


                                                  ^ its all due to ping, I live in the EU so, EU east, west and russia are my best servers (<70ms) even though I exclusively pick EU West and English language preference, every match is filled with Russians (even though they have their own server) and its not good ..i can't explain it. Once a blue moon I find a match where there are 10 english speaking people it is such a good game, even if we are stomped there is so much banter and a laugh. I wish I can have more of those games.


                                                    i hope i get more peruvians, 100x better than the american trash i get 9/10 times




                                                        Greeks are a bit like Russians , and want fights they feed too much and always team is the reason they lose:')
                                                        i just described my self:D:DD:D

                                                        now release fire pls



                                                          Contrary to popular belief, most of my team-mates are approximately 3K.
                                                          We suck at solo-queues and haul ass in stacks (unless we are trolling.)
                                                          WE DO NOT ADMIT MISTAKES. (well i do,but others....don't)

                                                          THICC BABY SHUM

                                                            IM BEST IN THE WORLD MY TEAM ALWAYS FEED CAN HALF OF TIME CARRY THEM.


                                                              TONY IS OP PLES NERF.


                                                                South Africa's Server is ok, Used to have a big problem with Russians and Peruvians but not so much anymore. Some Cancer players, some nice, same as most servers I guess.


                                                                  US Servers are like the streets of LA, Chicago, Detroit.

                                                                  Gang violence all day. Your crew vs my crew. PAH PAH


                                                                    North americans are the best /thread

                                                                    आप गे क्यों

                                                                      as much as i hate chinese policies against other countries, i must admit, playing CN servers is pretty similar to competitive


                                                                        Chileans thinks they are better than peruvians, but we are the same shit

                                                                        2k general mmr bracket, and we think we are 5k players


                                                                          /\ Who talks more in the voice chat? Peruvians or Chileans?


                                                                            I had a Peruvian abandon my CM game before 1st ban because I said I was going to pick myself meepo.

                                                                            Need I say more?

                                                                            Mac_Lilypad [NL]

                                                                              When i tell people that im dutchs (or they read my name) they are always happy to find another dutchs person, and than they continue to talk dutchs the whole game, and than my team is like: Dafuq are they saying?



                                                                                Avearage mmr 2.8-2.9k. Acting like they know everything, thinkign they are pro players just because they play Dota for half of their life.

                                                                                I dislike playing with most of Serbs, however, there are couple of them I like to que with.


                                                                                  Germans, I'd split them into 2 parts. 1 of the part are those people who want to be pro but are actually incredibly bad - they'd flame etc, just like the russians on EUW. The other part are the good players who help their teammates out and can actually speak english properly, sometimes / often even use mic, and also don't suck.

                                                                                  კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                                                                    Serbians = worst players even mmr average is much higher than 2.9k tho but whatever they suck cus they have no sense for picks and game overall and when they die once they will flame whole team something similar to low Russians but Russians are overall much better.


                                                                                      Much higher? What drugs you use?


                                                                                        @Good Grief
                                                                                        Peruvians are more annoying with voice chat dx



                                                                                          You say you're a peruvian but eh, you play in US servers, the high pings doesn't bother you?


                                                                                            @efextoide the sloth

                                                                                            I wish they had better phones too, so at least I could try to understand what they are screaming :v


                                                                                              @Good Grief

                                                                                              US servers are less laggy in general for peruvians than the SA one and as far as I know, the same is true for every non brazilian.
                                                                                              There is a peruvian server, yes, but it's a ghost town.

                                                                                              The problem here is that there are way too many cheap LAN places that attract either uneducated fucks or very young and immature kids and teenagers.