General Discussion

General Discussionwhy do people try to throw

why do people try to throw in General Discussion
Dire Wolf

    We are crushing them, pugna starts like 5-0, makes OD abandon, we have all towers, axe and seer keep diving and dieing so seer decides to only build divine rapiers instead of awesome items like refresher orb. I mean comon, enemy team has only 1 or two towers at this point. Axe goes dagon 5 instead of shit like a scythe vs PA. I don't know how we won this one with these assholes. I do not understand this mentality at all. It's one thing to think you're way ahead and crusing and feed accidentally but to intetionally buy rapiers, just stupid.

    თემა შეიცვალა

      fair point but dagon against pa isnt half bad to be honest considering you guys have pugna + enough lock down/other hex carriers to make hex on axe bad


        ok mate i will gif u something here , just take it from now that meaning of throw doesnt exist. there is only WIN or LOSE
        and if you ever type "did u throwing?" to your teammates, it will just stimulate them to believe that if they lose it now it's means it's caused of something unexist that called throw. And if i recognizing well, throw was just a joke and nothing more back then,dont take it seriously, thats why i write this to u.
        U just LOSE,accept it and carry on

        Dire Wolf

          The dark seer was definitely trying to throw as he built one divine and was halfway through another. I get divine on a carry if way ahead or as a comeback item but we were way ahead (we had up to rax before they got a t1) and dark seer is not a good hero for divine and he didn't have good dark seer items like shivas, scythe or refresher yet. Lucky for us first one got fed to PA with aegis but we killed her twice so I took it, I died on a base race cus their entire team tp'd back, and the divine bounced around a few times to Axe.

          All I'm saying is why the hell would you throw when you are on rax with multiple pushing heroes and they have no towers? We could sit back and just let pugna spam Q and me go dragon form and hit towers from low ground then bkb run and eventually win, keeping other lanes pushed with axe and seer. It's just dumb, we nearly lost and not cus other team was any good.