General Discussion

General DiscussionI do not understand people who die first blood before creeps even spawn

I do not understand people who die first blood before creeps even spawn in General Discussion

    Almost every game my offlaner in team goes for a rune vs 3 lane heroes with stuns and just go for rune and get ofc killed. Than he die obviosly 15+ times and you can do nothing about that when people random heroes like VENOMANCER and call offlane solo vs heroes like lion/disruptor/cm/silencer etc. and just go and die 0-6 at 3 minute of the game even with a ward. I just don`t understand this never happens to me when I m offlane to give first blood cus of fucking rune fuck fucking rune vs 3 lane if you don`t have vision of them. Do you have same scenario?


      bounty rune boys


        DOn`t undertand people go on lane and die 6 times in a row in a same way exactly vs same spells and heroes. How can someone be so dumb at 4700 mmr. Like go on the lane get killed, can`t think that he will go and die same way if he go on lane again that agresive? Or even just go on lane. If i die fucking once like that I change something, 2 times die same its just a final cut for that lane than you must do something different or is just game over. Ask for rotation on lanes or help or gank or even go farm wood everything is better than feed 6 times in 2 minute on offlane on the same fucking way. Also this game my venomancer died 9 times in 6 minute what to play anymore I just left(which I don`t do often) but if I stayed he ll have like 30 deaths minimum and I will just waste my time for nothing.

        კომენტარი შეიცვალა
          კომენტარი შეიცვალა

            it must be some real odd shit that is crazy but i dont know how to explain it and i never went to school thats why i cant phrase so please dont flame me for that anyway this is fucking riducliyus and maybe i will try other things maybe stop flaming or tihking about team may be otpino but i not sure however it was very stupid game dtoabuffcom29329matchid and things went out of hand 3versus1 at rune fucking tryhards in enemy team im not sure how to play anymore i cant get to 5000 even though i thought i was a 5k player for 2 years but whatever its just game i can go fuck ibtrches=?


              im pretty sure we have been infiltrated by some extraterrestrial low iq beings, and most of em like dota..
              legit theory imo


                You're right, Chains.


                  pretty sure nobody knows how to offlane at that mmr

                  people lack awareness and recognition

                  NextStep ®

                    ALMOST all of your offlaners feed....and you still allow them to play solo offlane?

                    Dude, take up the offlane role then or suggest aggro trilane!
                    Cmon, be flexible.


                      I do not understand people who die like that:


                        seriously if you want to win with retards you have to pick tree


                          i die before creep spawn so wat ?


                            ^^Even tree has limits...


                              offlane is hard lol lol lol he died 17 times through the game ...

                              Dire Wolf

                                I went to grab a rune solo in our safe lane cus enemy team had zero stuns level 1, but their TA bought BROWN BOOTS FIRST ITEM no tangoes. WTF. Chased me down with stupid refraction and her superior speed and of course my jakiro was like middle or something, didn't come help. Not a good game.


                                I won't ever solo contest vs a team with stunners or good slows at level 1 though, and hate getting runes vs mirana.


                                  ^boots first is legit on ta vs razor


                                    lol boot is a good item, never underestimate

                                    Dire Wolf

                                      I just wasn't expecting it, most will go tangoes and branches for offlane or save for bottle mid.


                                        wow motherufkain bitch is dead to taking runes so much noobs in this game omg if gabe not leader of valve, i be 7k mmr with brood im best player in the world hope all die just uninstall game if die to runes before creeps out ok all bye